MAC Demo Interviews - descriptions & questions


Well-known member
Update: I got the job! Im expecting a call within the next few days to sign paperwork. :eyelove: If anyone has questions on my demo process let me know!
Hi Everyone. I'm new on here So I've been talking with a MAC Recruiter since November 2012. I had a MAC Career Call near my area on February 7th, 2013 I passed the first interview & just had my Makeup demo last week March 12th, 2013. I've been doing makeup for over 2 years. I interviewed with 12 other MUA. Most of them have makeup counter experience. However I don't & now I'm a bit worried. My makeup demo went very well. They said to do a natural look & something your model wants. So I did eyes very natural no liner. I used 4 shadows, mascara, foundation, powder, blush, filled in her brows very lightly. She wanted a red lip, since I was wearing a red lip she liked it! So of course I picked a VIVA GLAM lipstick, a fellow MAC artist told me to use a VIVA GLAM lipstick at my interview so I did. Overall, I hope using a viva glam made me stand out. So the recruiter came to critique me & talked to my model on the side. She asked if she liked her makeup & if she would want to see me again! She said she loved it and yes! Being she had a red lip the recruiter thought I suggested a red lip, being I had neutral eyeshadow and purple liner on the bottom smoked out with a red lip. My model said "no I wanted a red lipstick." I'm a bit worried about the recruiter thinking I copied my look. At the end she said my eyeshadow was blended so well. The lipstick was a bit smudged on the bottom. But said my Lipstick was put on pretty good for not using a lipliner. The recutier said good job at using viva glam!! And for informing my model about the VIVA GLAM campaign. They said give them 2 weeks to get a call if you don't you can reapply in 6 months! I'm so nervous I wanted this job so bad. Makeup is my Passion!!!


New member
I had my first interview about a week ago, and I was extremely nervous!! -which I wasn't anticipating! I thought I was going to be completely fine, I know makeup artistry & MAC like the back of my hand. But the manager was very kind and understood my nerves :) she laughed it off with me, which i'm very grateful about.

so, now i have the makeup demo in a few days... and i'm actually nervous this time around. The manager mentioned that she'll have me create a specific look on the model. The examples she mentioned were, bridal makeup, smokey eye & nude lip. She also suggested to take a look at the MAC website and see the current collections and looks on there.

So, I'm nervous which look I'll end up recreating.

She did say that my resume was VERY impressive, which surprised me! I have only had one job in the past, and it only lasted 2 months!! I think the part of my resume that she really loved was my portfolio pictures. I attached an 8 1/2 x 11 filled with pictures of my artwork and makeup looks... and she absolutely loved them.

So for all of you who are nervous, the moral of the story is..if you have the talent, they will look past the nerves!!

I'll post about my makeup demo & how it went on the weekend :)


Well-known member
I had my first interview about a week ago, and I was extremely nervous!! -which I wasn't anticipating! I thought I was going to be completely fine, I know makeup artistry & MAC like the back of my hand. But the manager was very kind and understood my nerves :) she laughed it off with me, which i'm very grateful about.  so, now i have the makeup demo in a few days... and i'm actually nervous this time around. The manager mentioned that she'll have me create a specific look on the model. The examples she mentioned were, bridal makeup, smokey eye & nude lip. She also suggested to take a look at the MAC website and see the current collections and looks on there.  So, I'm nervous which look I'll end up recreating.  She did say that my resume was VERY impressive, which surprised me! I have only had one job in the past, and it only lasted 2 months!! I think the part of my resume that she really loved was my portfolio pictures. I attached an 8 1/2 x 11 filled with pictures of my artwork and makeup looks... and she absolutely loved them.  So for all of you who are nervous, the moral of the story is..if you have the talent, they will look past the nerves!! I'll post about my makeup demo & how it went on the weekend :) 
Hey! Just wondering, how did you attach your photos and how did you lay out the portfolio? I would totally appreciate if you could let me know, planning to apply soon and want an idea as to how to put it together to make it most impressive... Which you seem to know :)


New member
I copied and pasted images of my work on my computer, and printed it out on a standard piece of paper. I arranged it in 2 columns, with 4 in each.

Hope that helps! They aren't too particular, just as long as your images are good quality!!


New member
sooo... I got the job!

i was offered an on-call position.. i am beyond excited!!

- does anybody know whether or not you get a discount as an on-call artist?


Well-known member
sooo... I got the job!

i was offered an on-call position.. i am beyond excited!!

- does anybody know whether or not you get a discount as an on-call artist?
nope only perm artist get discount your basically freelance you get called when they need help. you can apply for a pro card though i believe


Well-known member
Does anyone know if they'll do a demo and your first interview at the same time? I have an interview Wednesday, and the manager told me "you don't need to bring anything in." I'm just wondering if I should expect to have to do a demo that day as well.
Hey guys ive got an makup demo next thursday for selfrigdes store anyone know the heads up for the UK store, do they swap the models etc Thanks would really help a bunch as i am soooo nervous i normally worked in retail but have a passion for makeup i didnt even think id get this far in the process Shauna x Email me if anything -


New member
Hi All!! I have my MAC demo interview on Thursday :bigstar: The trainer that called to offer me the demo interview asked me to bring my own brushes if possible. Which I have and said I would bring. However reading everyone's comments im a little worried now :shock: I have all my makeup brushes to take with me, BUT not all of them are MAC. in fact I only have 1 MAC foundation brush the rest are crown brush or sigma. So when people are talking about talking to my model and explaining what brushes I am using and why I'm worried I won't be able too as I don't have a big selection of MAC. Any advice?? Thanks x


New member
Hello fellow Spektratettes! (If that's even how you call it, haha) I had my demo today and that's to this website, I NAILED IT! I honestly thought I didn't know anything even after several hours of research and reading stories here, but everything worked out so amazingly, I wouldn't have done anything different! I'm 98% sure I got the job seeing as they asked me to email them my cv again, along with scans of my passport (good sign? I reckon!). Here's my detailed experience as a way of thanking all of you who have helped me to take one step towards my dreams. (Note: this will be incredibly long and detailed. Brace yourselves!) It all started this Saturday. I randomly updated my CV because my mom told me a new Mac store opened up at a mall just down the road from where I live. It was one of those gut feelings that you can't really explain. So I got dressed all-black, put on a simple yet defining makeup and headed to the store as if I worked there already. I handed in my CV and the store manager was beyond lovely! She was looking for someone who spoke Portuguese (brownie points!) and she even hugged me. She said she'd call me to tell me what time my interview would be. Being no fool, the moment I returned home, I started researching. Firstly, I researched experiences and hence I came across spektra and this thread. After, I researched everything on Mac: programmes, products, history. Make sure you're confident and you know your stuff. Of course, they don't expect you to be perfect and know everything but knowing most things will score you brownie points and show how much you are suited for the job. Yesterday (Monday) she called me. I honestly thought she was just going to tell me the time of the interview but then she began a phone interview. I almost had a freak out but then I remembered that I had printed all the research I gathered so whilst doing the interview, I just paged through it and mentioned some stuff I had written. She told me to bring a model and be at the store at a certain time. Here's where the fun stuff begins! I won't lie, I was nervous. The closer I got to the store, the more nervous I grew. I wouldn't be human if I weren't nervous. I arrived at the store and she was busy interviewing another lady (who didn't even have makeup on. Ladies, do NOT do such!!). She told me to just hang around and I did. I checked out products, introduced myself to workers and I made sure to ask them questions about everything and anything that I wanted to know. After, I had my verbal interview which was my absolute favourite! I sat down with three ladies and it felt extremely conversational. They didn't ask me any questions about the company's history like in the phone interview. They asked me questions mostly about myself, which was great because I know lots about that! We laughed constantly and I engaged myself into the conversation very intensely. Halfway through the interview, it felt like I was just chatting up with friends so that is great! I did ask questions whenever I had the chance because I hate going into things in the dark. I love being prepared! After that, I was told to create a natural day look in 15 minutes with the products on the counter. Thanks to spektra (for the millionth time), I made sure I cleaned all powder products by wiping them with a tissue, ensured I had a pertri-dish and that my hands were cleaned. A guy was the one who was responsible for watching me for the demo. He was sooooooo nice! I loved him. Although I knew sanitation was a must, I always asked him about it as if I wasn't too sure so I could get browny points, and it worked! We got on so well, that when I asked him how many minutes I had left, he said I didn't have to worry about it (unlike the previous lady, who he stopped her when the time was up because she had barely put any makeup on her model's face, do NOT do that ladies!). I told him that time management was important and that he had to stop me (yay, more browny points!). He never stopped me because I finished early. The makeup was super simple. The products they provided me were: strobe, studio fix foundation, mineralized finishing powder, Spiker as eyebrow filler, a brown eyeliner, mascara, fix+, 3 eye shadows, 2 blushes and a viva glam lipstick (which gave me the opportunity to mention viva glam to my model and explain the programme). I was pleased with the result and so was he! He took a picture and told me that they would be contacting me soon. Now comes the excruciating part... The waiting!


New member
Most helpful forum. Here's my experience. On june 11, the Manger called to schedule for first interview. We scheduled it for that Saturday.of course, I dressed in black slacks, a black sheer, long sleeve top with a black came underneath and black scrappy heels. She complimented me when she saw me and ushered me to a private room where the interview process began. She asked me questions like "Why Mac?" "what do you know about mac? "" best sales accomplishment"... Overall I thought it was very easy and casual process. If you have any customer service or sales experience, you shouldn't have a problem. She told me they'd get in touch with me to schedule demo. July 27/28 can't quite remember, the manager called me to schedule a phone interview instead. July 30, the regional manager called me at the designated time. He was very friendly and I thought very quick and thorough. I answered confidently. He asked me walk him thru a work day (applied for freelance), basic interview questions, and then advised he'd get the girls to schedule demo. Not even hour later, one of the girls called to go in That Saturday for demo. August1st, I arrived with my model, both dressed all in black, on time. We got there when it opened. MAC was having an event. The assistant manager asked me what my biggest obstacle was in makeup application. Truthfully, I told her winged liner. So of course, that was my assignment : cat eye, with red matte lip. She let me borrow a brush belt (with really bad brushes) and gave me an hour, YES ONE HOUR, to complete. Since I had already done my research, I asked for petri dish and made myself comfortable with disposable applicators, alcohol, etc..... She took notice of my wing liner (I pulled out all the stops on my own makeup) and said she didn't think I'd do horribly. Well, I think I did. The liner brush was in such bad condition I couldn't get a smooth line and ended up botching it. After the hour she came by. I told her I hated with liner outcome. She told me I should practice, but advise comes easier with constant practice. Aside from foundation shade, she was satisfied with the rest. I ABSOLUTELY HATED THE OUTCOME. I couldn't wait to get my model home and wash her face.(I had just done Bridal makeup before the interview... My standards are set high) She said she give the feedback to regional manager n contact me. I'm hoping for the best, but based off my performance, not too happy right now.


New member
Update: 23 days later assistant manager calls me..... And offered me my freelance position!!!!!! Hells yeah!!!

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