Mac employment process


Well-known member
Hello! How long does it take for mac to set up an interview with you? There's one particular mac that i always go to and everyone likes me there and told me i should apply and i finally did. I turned in my app with my resume/cover letter and bus. card last sunday. What sucks is that out of all days they were doing inventory and closed an hr early so the gate was already down and i was so prepared to come in with a smile and talk a bit to the employees and turn it in, but NO i had to wait til someone came to the gate and she slightly raised it and took my app. I really want to talk =( but anyways it's been a wk and that important call didn't come yet and i called today to ask for a follow up and the manager told me that they faxed all resumes to the recruiter and it depends on availibility and stuff and she said to give it another wk, and if that call still doesn't come, i should call back and they said they'll see what they can do. I'm really really eager to get a job there, don't care if it's a bit farther from my house, i love it too much.

I was wondering how long it took for everyone and what the situation was and if it was similar to mine? Should i drop off more resume at counters? It's easier to get into a counter than a store i know, but dont i have to apply differently at like a macy's or nordstrom?


Well-known member
You know it really depends on the location. Each store/counter moves paper work at different speeds. I say, go to different counters and talk to different managers and make it know that you would like to work for MAC. (For Nordy's and Macy's you have to fill out an online app through them)

I'm a freelance MUA and I just spoke with one of the managers to see how hard/easy it is to get more hours or to become a regular employee and we started chatting about a cashier position opening up. Turned out that the hours didn't work with my schedule but she gave me some really great advice while talking. On thing she said was that she usually hires people who bug. Be persistant, that shows you really want the job. When it comes to interviewing, she'll call people who's names stuck in her head.

Moral of the story is...BUGGGG!

HTH! Good luck...


Well-known member
Be persistant and show them you want the job!
It took me two times to land a freelance position until i finally got it. I think that once you drop your resume off give them a couple of days then call in and speak with a manager and let them know that you dropped off your resume and wanted to be updated.


Well-known member
I would be careful about being too persistent because that can be a double-edged sword as well.


Well-known member
The time of the year also makes a huge difference too. MAC tends to hire contract staff like mad right before Christmas. Although it's short term, you'll at least be able to see the internal job postings and you'll already have the experience at MAC so you'll have an even better chance next time. And yeah, getting to know the employees definitely helps!


Well-known member
it took me a month and 1 week and 50$ to attend their stuido talk to butter up the counter manager to finally give me a makeup demo interview. I got the job as freelance but I really want counter. So what I noticed is that you have to make yourself known and be very determined. What I did a couple of times was bring in a couple freinds and basically gave them advice on what to buy and what would be good on them so on and so on. It showed that I did have a good knowledge of the brand and such.

I would say to be patient, it really pays off eventually but when it does it feel soooo good!!