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MAC Fafi Tutorial


Well-known member
I like the eyes, but please dont kill me for saying that I think the liner was a bit dark for this look. I think it would have been amazing if you did like a neutral lip instead of having the liner so dark :/


Active member
thanks for posting this! i love the combo of the pink, smokey blue/grey & black, so pretty! hm... might have to pick this quad up tomorrow when i get my fafi makeover.


Active member
Originally Posted by exoticarbcqen
I like the eyes, but please dont kill me for saying that I think the liner was a bit dark for this look. I think it would have been amazing if you did like a neutral lip instead of having the liner so dark :/

Yeah Currant made the lip kinda dark...
No offense taken


Well-known member
Thanks for the Tutorial! I had passed on both Fafi eyes when I was shopping for it, but I think I may try to pick it up now!


Well-known member
Thank you so much for your tut. It is nice to see a woman with my skin color shows how to use mac eyeshadows and not be afraid of color. Thank you so much. I love the defined crease.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting, you did an excellent job. Aside from that, you really do have pretty eyes...a dream canvas for anyone to work with. I passed up on Fafi as well since I do have vanilla/pink venus..and the other colors, I could mix up with pigments to achieve.

As far as your lips go...for your skin, I think it worked. On light asian skin, would be more like 3n ls with 1n lg or something.

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