MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
Marquise D is one of my all time favorite lipsticks for everyday use too!. I have it on today as well...
funny! I only get backups of products i know i will get the most use out of =)


Well-known member
Hi Crystallis007! Subbie here! ! Love your channel and i'm looking forward to seeing your haul vid of this collection..yay!


Well-known member
Did you order these online? Maybe they did sweat a bit while on the way to you. Were these 'dots' on them when you first received them? Sometimes the oils bead up when lippies get warm and perhaps when they dried, that's how they ended up looking. It doesn't usually affect the product though.
I'm wondering about that. I did buy them from my local Nordies but they had to be shipped there. You don't really notice it unless you shine a light on it. But looking straight at it it wasn't noticable. The light would reflect it white. I wonder if it was from sweating or the shimmer in it. Now weird smells or anything else. I did clean them tho as I am weird about that. If it comes back then I will raise hell lol.


Well-known member
This is so frustrating. I don't understand why some stores are holding things or doing preorders and others aren't. I wish MAC would just have some sort of policy on this. Doesn't really seem fair


Well-known member
Well, I just made arrangements to get myself to the event and back tomorrow night. I figure even if this thing goes up tonight or early tomorrow, I won't get it until Wednesday or Thursday. I'm all about instant gratification, so to the event I go. :lol: Problem is, I'll probably get caught up in the moment and buy things I don't need. :shocked:


Well-known member
this has to be up today!! please mac i could only stay until 2am yesterday wahtching monk on netflix. im tired and way to sick to be up until 4 or even 7 am and then be stalking during the day!!! this is insane but i have no energy to go to the store.


Well-known member
I hope it comes up tonite too! Even though my work is at home I feel so lazy because i haven't gotten anything done today just waiting around for it.


Well-known member
Any darker girls that have The Perfect Cheek and love it? I mean really love and not just willing themselves to love it? I always look at this color and I'm of the mind that it would be completely useless on my skin (about an NC45).


Well-known member
For now i'm just sticking to the lipsticks 2 DA, 2 CIS, 1 LG & SI. Once it becomes available in store I'll have to swatch everything else to see what i like enough to take home.

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