MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
If anybody is interested in CIS and SI, i have one of each BNIB. I did a CP for a coworker, but she got fired and can't afford them now. Will sell for retail price + shipping.
Bare in mind, i'm from Germany and our retail price was 19,50€ for those lipsticks.

Update: CIS is gone.


Well-known member
That is what I suspected :( The pictures were removed pretty quickly after the posts went up. When I clicked the link I didn't see any of the pics mentioned.

well at least it was reported so maybe this seller will think twice before snatching up LE items and selling them for profit on evilbay. LOL


Well-known member
not sure if this has been mentioned (this thread is sooo long) but can anyone confirm whether Revlon's Cherries In The Snow is a good dupe of Love Goddess? thanks!


Well-known member
not sure if this has been mentioned (this thread is sooo long) but can anyone confirm whether Revlon's Cherries In The Snow is a good dupe of Love Goddess? thanks!
I have both and they look pretty similar to me but one thing you have to consider is the pigmentation of your lips as well as your coloring. I am nc-25/30 and they look very close to me.( so as chanel coco in color paris ?) I guess I am no help ....


Well-known member
If anyone is desperate for the lipsticks Love Goddess, CIS and Pure Zen, the Australian MAC site still has them available but keep in mind they charge $38 Australian dollars per lipstick ... but if anyone is stuck, they are there. We also have the The Perfect Cheek blush available too ($45)


Well-known member
I have both and they look pretty similar to me but one thing you have to consider is the pigmentation of your lips as well as your coloring. I am nc-25/30 and they look very close to me.( so as chanel coco in color paris ?) I guess I am no help ....
my lips are pretty pigmented (pinker than in my avatar) and lip colours always tend to look darker on me


Well-known member
While flipping through the Vogue (US) w/Rhianna on cover I came across a MAC add for the MM collex.

I had to laugh. I said to meself - "Uh - what hoot!"

If I wasn't in the know & not a regular MAC customer I would have been pretty ticked if I had moseyed up to the MAC counter after the launch and told nothing was available. Pretty ticked!

I'm sure it was promoted in other mags as well.


Well-known member
Ive been wearing TPC since I got it. Legendary has been completely ignored as well as my former favorite Immortal Flower.

Audrey C

Well-known member
TPC has become my favourite neutral blush. I wear it fairly often but I do try to keep most of my blush in rotation (not always easy).

I'm returning CIS next week when I'm back downtown; it just doesn't suit me and I'm not willing to keep it any longer on the off-chance I can eventually swap it. That's how I got stuck with Camden Chic; I'm going to end up BTM a full lippie with that one and I'm not prepared to do that again.

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