MAC girl about town vs. lickable ?


Well-known member
which one would you go for , for a true bright blue pink ? girl about town 's cool but i find myself more drawn to lickable for some reason .


Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

Lickable hands down! I bought GAT a while back b/c it's supposed to be amazing. It's pretty, but I love the Lickable much more. It's hot.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

I don't have Lickable but i do love Girl About Town. The best hot pink lipstick by MAC is Show Orchid though, you can get it from pro or wait for it with London collection


Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

I don't have Lickable, but I absolute love Girl About Town. I have a golden skin and blue toned pinks tend to look weird and make my teeth look terribly yellow. But not Girl about town. I love it!


Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

Lickable. Something about the finish just makes it better--when it's on, you're getting heavy coverage, but for some reason it seems like your lips are showing through this dewy, vibrant color. It's absolutely beautiful, and, I think, really sexy.


Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

Lickable is sooo pretty. even on it's own.
GAT is super bold and pretty dark. pretty, but not very wearable.
But I would say GAT only because it looks freaking HAWT with a baby pink lip glooss


Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

Lickable for sure, last time I tried GAT and didn't like it on me.


Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

I love Girl About Town the best. I have Lickable, but its not the same.


Well-known member
Re: girl about town vs. lickable ?

I have GAT, and love it. Now I want Lickable, too. You bastards! You already did this to me with Russian Red and Lady Danger


(Although I do love both, and wear both!)


Well-known member
My sister bought Lickable l/s and she likes it. I almost bought one for myself but I remembered my MAC ban. I swatched both Girl About Town and Lickable lipsticks and they both look so similar!


Well-known member
I just picked up GAT today and I love it.

I swatched Lickable but wasn't enthusiastic about it.

Maybe the next time I venture out to the MAC store I will try Lickable again.

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