I often apply a cream color base to highlight my cheeks such a Pearl, Luna or Hush,.. and then pat a little glitter over it,.. looks really nice,.. a more "BAM" version of the glittercreme they sell. Also their glitter stays on really well if you put on EZR where you want the glitter to stay and then pat the glitter on top of that. I also use a thick silicone base lipstick base and then pat glitter over it thickly to get really sparkly lips,. I dont do this often,. to showgirly for everyday wear,.. also I add the reflects glitter to my lip and lustreglasses if I feel they need a bit of a kick. In my hair and then hairspray it in. Sometimes I also carefully run the hairspray in front of my face too (with my arm stretched all the way back and eyes closed) this helps keep those dusty glitters in the right place a lot longer,...Hopefully this will give you a place to start? I also heard but have not tried the sealant I think Kryolan or someone sells it? If you apply the glitter and then spray the sealant on it it should stay??