MAC - Holiday 2010 A Tartan Tale Discussion


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I know I told you HB on Twitter but... It's more fun here.

Happy Birthday!!!


Well-known member
Oh no... it seems like I'm now wanting TFG and Cut a Caper. Darn! I have pigmented lips.. and hardly any nudes work on me but I'm so determined to find my HG it's not even funny.

Btw I'm wearing TFC today.. just quietly on the lid, with Spiced Chocolate to blend. It's smokey and work safe. I wanted glitter but I had to tame that down a bit. TBH it's not as pretty as Moonlight Night but since I've never owned any pigments before, TFC will stay definitely. It was really pretty though! Oh and I'm wearing Blackline too.. love love love!
Bevcita - check my post in the Upcoming Trends thread about picking a good brown/nude when you have pigmented lips. There are going to be lots of nudes coming up so you don't need to get worked up if TFG is meh on you - your HG will come!

Also, try applying blackline all over your lid then putting TFC over - that's a gorgeous look. I've tried a bunch of things under it and blackline is so far the winner.


Well-known member
Bevcita - check my post in the Upcoming Trends thread about picking a good brown/nude when you have pigmented lips. There are going to be lots of nudes coming up so you don't need to get worked up if TFG is meh on you - your HG will come!

Also, try applying blackline all over your lid then putting TFC over - that's a gorgeous look. I've tried a bunch of things under it and blackline is so far the winner.

lots and lots of nude browns coming to market this coming year

So don't fret. One thing I have learned about nudes though: the colour and texture must work for you right off the bat -- it is hard to make a nude colour work for you unless you are driven and decided to use two or three products -- which many of us are not.


Well-known member
The family crest is pretty when applied dry and stays on pretty well, but when I wet my brush and put it on the gold that came out was amazing!! It transformed the color wet. Such an awesome piggy!


Well-known member
I am happy to say this collection is a total easy pass for me. I was very dissapointed with the Play it Cool palatte, the pigmentation/texture was horrendous! It was so chalky and flimsy on almost every single shadow. The color of Hold my gaze I liked but not the texture. I don't remember it being so bad from the palatte last year. The Rollers and Reelers palatte was very good quality though. Pigmented and smooth, but I feel like I allready have all those colors. Didn't really check out the others as I had to meet some friends...

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Ok ladies so overall TFC is a big thumbs up, right??? How does it compare to Gilt By Association? Similar or off the mark?

I am limited to just 2 items when I go to check out the collection tomorrow but i'm indecisive...*sigh*

Hit me with your 2 must haves from this collection girlies....TIA!


Well-known member
anyone else going nutso checking for Pt. 2, the mini sets?!? I'm curious as to why they weren't up last night since I'm fairly certain they're released in stores on the 4th?


Well-known member
Ok ladies so overall TFC is a big thumbs up, right??? How does it compare to Gilt By Association? Similar or off the mark?

I am limited to just 2 items when I go to check out the collection tomorrow but i'm indecisive...*sigh*

Hit me with your 2 must haves from this collection girlies....TIA!
Hmm my two favorites are Undercurrent (if you don't have it already) and the Dazzle the Lads lip bag (b/c of Baron's Rose) and the bag.


Well-known member
Ok ladies so overall TFC is a big thumbs up, right??? How does it compare to Gilt By Association? Similar or off the mark?

I am limited to just 2 items when I go to check out the collection tomorrow but i'm indecisive...*sigh*

Hit me with your 2 must haves from this collection girlies....TIA!
My two must haves are the new pigments, but then again, I'm a piggie junkie!

Family Crest and Gilt By Association are not similar, IMO. I don't have GBA to compare it with, but a lovely lady here posted comparison swatches (slipping on who it was).

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Thanks dear, I missed out on Undercurrent before because I have UD Flipside and thought they looked similar. However with all the rave reviews its been getting I have thought about purchasing it.

Baron's Rose is gorgeous isn't it?! Jeez i'm not helping myself at all. lol

Hmm my two favorites are Undercurrent (if you don't have it already) and the Dazzle the Lads lip bag (b/c of Baron's Rose) and the bag.

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Oooh i'm gonna have a search on the thread for those pics.

Thanks for the suggestions lady!


Found the swatches...completely different TFC looks more violet than brown in comparison.

*twiddles thumbs*

My two must haves are the new pigments, but then again, I'm a piggie junkie!

Family Crest and Gilt By Association are not similar, IMO. I don't have GBA to compare it with, but a lovely lady here posted comparison swatches (slipping on who it was).


Well-known member
I finally found a use for HBC and I bet it would look nice done in the geisha style where it sweeps really high up into the temples, but it's very bright. However, I would almost never do that look so I suppose it's kinda moot.


Well-known member
I finally found a use for HBC and I bet it would look nice done in the geisha style where it sweeps really high up into the temples, but it's very bright. However, I would almost never do that look so I suppose it's kinda moot.

HBC looked amazing on the model yesterday. The MAC girl kinda swirled it on tissue first to get rid of the excess, then applied it lightly in circular motions, she was about NC15


Well-known member
anyone else going nutso checking for Pt. 2, the mini sets?!? I'm curious as to why they weren't up last night since I'm fairly certain they're released in stores on the 4th?
its been pushed back to nov 11th.


Active member
For the 2 must-haves: I find a few things that I got quite loveable, like TFG or the blushes - but they don't necessarily win the Absolute Uniqueness contest.

I definitely join the Baron's Rose team - so Dazzle the lads, that's my must have number one!
(it didn't let me down!)

I suppose the Pearlglides are quite awesome as well, my Black Swan didn't budge all day, but I think I may still have to get used to the glittering, it's quite intense imo (or just only wear it on nights out...) . I haven't used Undercurr. yet... but I like the idea of the Pearlglides, and as far as I can see they are quite special for MAC?

Hm... but I really don't have a must-have #2... what a bummer!

So, I'd go for Baron's Rose
the special packiging is pretty darn nice as well, and maybe one of the piggies if you are a piggy-fan (I think they look amazing, especially Moonlight Night; for me there is just no point in getting them for myself
)... or if you think that HBC works on you, then I'd definitely get that!

But I'll let the girls who actually really know their MAC talk now


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by liba

Bevcita - check my post in the Upcoming Trends thread about picking a good brown/nude when you have pigmented lips. There are going to be lots of nudes coming up so you don't need to get worked up if TFG is meh on you - your HG will come!
Also, try applying blackline all over your lid then putting TFC over - that's a gorgeous look. I've tried a bunch of things under it and blackline is so far the winner.

Thank you so much for the heads up
. I'll def try Blackline as a base next time. Hopefully they'll still have this liner in stock next week because a back up is surely in order!

Quote:Originally Posted by HerGreyness

lots and lots of nude browns coming to market this coming year

So don't fret.  One thing I have learned about nudes though: the colour and texture must work for you right off the bat -- it is hard to make a nude colour work for you unless you are driven and decided to use two or three products -- which many of us are not.

Oh yes I couldn't agree more. I need something that's perfect right off the tube lol. Texture is important to me as well because my lips dry easily. Brave New Bronze would've been perfect if it didn't Jack up my lips after :/

Right now for me the 2 must haves would have to be Moonlight Night and any of the pearlglides. Undercurrent is especially pretty and Black Swan is just downright sexy while Blackline is sophisticated.

That might change tho when I go back to the counter to play.

These are exciting times for us newbies I think. I've really only gotten into makeup for about two years now and I'm having so much fun collecting and falling in love with colors I never thought I'd use. I'm so thankful for Specktra too because it's just like having that really cool sister who knows all about what it takes to get prettified. It's awesome to hear all your reviews, see great swatches, and just know that there are lovely people out there who love MU just as I do.


Well-known member
I went to the counter today to see all the stuff. The eyeshadows didn't swatch very pigmented. Maybe they're different applied to the eyes I don't know. I also found out that probably none of the lipsticks(that is the bullet lipsticks) would suit me. I did however kind of fell in love with gone romancin', and I'm thinking of aquiring it. I think it would go well with up the amp l/s.