MAC Interview...bring your own brushes??


Well-known member
Someone posted that they were asked to bring there makeup brushes to a MAC interview
and I wanted to apply at my local MAC counter for freelance in the future. I'd die if they asked me to bring my brushes. Mine are a mixed matched set between MAC, Bobbi brown, and Bare Escentuals. I couldn't walk in with that in a dollar store glass jar. Its now my goal to get a full set of MAC brushes (I do have some already) and get a MAC tool belt and paint the bottom of my brushes (I saw a pic of someone elses brushes done that way..but now I can't find the pic) anyone have pics or links to pics of peoples brush belts & MAC brush sets? What MAC brushes would be escentual to have to go in and pull off a great interview? Anyone have recomendations, or pics of peoples sets?


Well-known member
If you are going to an open call, it doesn't matter what kind of brushes you can get yourself a brush roll (go to an art supply store). If you're applying the "regular" way, they will supply everything you need for the demo at the counter...don't worry about it!


Well-known member
You are not expected to have MAC products before you get hired, I don't think. I mean, I don't think that it is a factor in considering one's eligibility for the job. I would think that one would be allowed to choose brushes from the place that they are having the demo interview.


Well-known member
If you take a look at my response to the thread you are describing, you will see that having MAC brushes/tools is NOT required for interviewing. I also do not believe they are required for freelancing. To my knowledge you use the materials available at the counter when you freelance, and you leave them there when you are done for the day.

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