MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


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Re: MAC Group Interview!!

thats awesome glamdoll! congrats!

good luck pahblov! keep us updated!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Group Interview!!

Thanks Babybehbekah and pahblov!!

To be honest, I could HEAR my heart in my ears, I couldnt even th ink of how nervous I was, but my model totally calmed me down. she was so supportive! I love her!

Goodluck to everyone! I feel like this is a good time to apply now that the fiscal year is over and they are looking to hire people


Well-known member
Hi, I'm new.

What are your chances of getting hired or at least getting to the demo interview if you've never had any retail experience? I work with people and I basically "sell" food to them lol. There elderly people so sometimes you have to convince them to eat lol.


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

OMG, I just got a call for a possible part time position with a counter <3 I am submitting my resume tonight and will talk to her next week.


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by miss_supra
OMG, I just got a call for a possible part time position with a counter <3 I am submitting my resume tonight and will talk to her next week.

Yay! Congrats, and goodluck! You will get it!

I just had my first freelance shift yesterday at Mac Pro! It was fun! but I was nervous. Everyone there was friendly


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by glamdoll
Yay! Congrats, and goodluck! You will get it!

I just had my first freelance shift yesterday at Mac Pro! It was fun! but I was nervous. Everyone there was friendly

The only thing holding me back is availablity.
Either way she wants to talk to me. Congrats on the first day! How did it go? I'd be so nervous to be at the PRO store my first day!


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by miss_supra
The only thing holding me back is availablity.
Either way she wants to talk to me. Congrats on the first day! How did it go? I'd be so nervous to be at the PRO store my first day!

Oh really? Hopefully you can work something out. *cross fingers*

It went well. I just got on the floor and started helping people, and if I didnt know something I asked questions. I did 4 makeovers. I was so nervous. But over all it was fun. There was always something to do, people to help. And I only got good customers.

The only thing is, ok, so I helped a few girls who liked my look and they were like "what are you wearing" and I told them, and they just bought everything w/o double thinking it. I was reminded of MYSELF!! aaaaaaaaah!

but it was a good experience


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

My formal interview is Wednesday and after that we will schedule the Demo.


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by miss_supra
My formal interview is Wednesday and after that we will schedule the Demo.

Good luck!!! Read up on the "Freelance to permanent" thread because I know that helped me alot when I interviewed w/ the MRO ( i think thats the title ).

Keep us posted!


Well-known member
^they are looking for retail

Anyway, I just got hired as a permanent employee for part-time. Woot woot!

I didn't do a demo interview, but I had two interviews same day. The first one was with the Counter manager and Assistant counter manager. After their interview I went to interview with the MRO, and I was offer the position the day after.


Originally Posted by miss_supra
^they are looking for retail

Anyway, I just got hired as a permanent employee for part-time. Woot woot!

I didn't do a demo interview, but I had two interviews same day. The first one was with the Counter manager and Assistant counter manager. After their interview I went to interview with the MRO, and I was offer the position the day after.

congrats!! i knew you would get it! would you happen to know if they are still hiring for part-time? or even freelancers? probably not huh.. cause i heard it's usually during the holidays? i want to work there so bad!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeuplove
congrats!! i knew you would get it! would you happen to know if they are still hiring for part-time? or even freelancers? probably not huh.. cause i heard it's usually during the holidays? i want to work there so bad!

The 3 positions that were available have been filled. I'll ask when they are hiring again for freelance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_supra
^they are looking for retail

Anyway, I just got hired as a permanent employee for part-time. Woot woot!

I didn't do a demo interview, but I had two interviews same day. The first one was with the Counter manager and Assistant counter manager. After their interview I went to interview with the MRO, and I was offer the position the day after.

Hi! Just curious to why you didn't have to do a demo. The Nordstrom I interviewed at said that I *might* have to do a demo. Are you by any chance at a Nordstrom? Thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkbeauty27
Hi! Just curious to why you didn't have to do a demo. The Nordstrom I interviewed at said that I *might* have to do a demo. Are you by any chance at a Nordstrom? Thanks!

No it wasn't.

I think I didn't have to since I worked as freelance the weekend prior for the manager's roommate/best friend. While working as a freelance that weekend I did make-up for a bridal party. The make up looked awesome and the girl was completely grateful and loved it. Don't hold me to it since that part is speculation on my part.


Originally Posted by miss_supra
^they are looking for retail

Anyway, I just got hired as a permanent employee for part-time. Woot woot!

I didn't do a demo interview, but I had two interviews same day. The first one was with the Counter manager and Assistant counter manager. After their interview I went to interview with the MRO, and I was offer the position the day after.

So I have a interview for a part time position this week, I'm already hired as a Freelance (got hired 3 weeks ago but havent worked yet). I have my demo and verbal this week, do you happen to know what look they'll be asking me to do. This is my second demo. Real nervous since I'm doing this all over again!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsEileen10
So I have a interview for a part time position this week, I'm already hired as a Freelance (got hired 3 weeks ago but havent worked yet). I have my demo and verbal this week, do you happen to know what look they'll be asking me to do. This is my second demo. Real nervous since I'm doing this all over again!!!!

It will be the same as they asked before, but add more sales or customer service questions. The demo is the same (from I hear since I didn't do a second one) they will ask you to recreate a face chart or do a day look a bring it to night.


Re: I got a demo interview!

Oh MY GOODNESS, I am so intimidated now!! Thanks so much for the helpful post, but JEEZ I could never do that! I guess I don't know nearly enough about MAC as I need to in order to get hired there!! I've been in retail for years and have even managed a retail store, so the sales/customer service part would be easy for me.. but I don't know anything about the color names and brush numbers, except for the ones that I own.



Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

I want to apply.
But now I'm scared lmao.


Well-known member
Re: I got a demo interview!

Originally Posted by *Nikita*
Oh MY GOODNESS, I am so intimidated now!! Thanks so much for the helpful post, but JEEZ I could never do that! I guess I don't know nearly enough about MAC as I need to in order to get hired there!! I've been in retail for years and have even managed a retail store, so the sales/customer service part would be easy for me.. but I don't know anything about the color names and brush numbers, except for the ones that I own.


Its not about like knowing all the colors, cus trust me I dont know all of them lol, its about you being able to not just sell em, but educate your customer, and yeah you would need experience in makeup, because you would be doing makeovers alot on customers.

Product knowledge can be taught, but artistry isnt. Just keep practicing