Mac lipstick for bright orange hair


Hi Guys,

I have 6 empties that I was trying to back2mac for Hang Up lipstick for ages, but it was never in stock. Since then I have dyed my hair from platnium blonde to bright orange:

So I really want to get a new fun colour I haven't really tried before. I have loads of classic reds that I'm happy with already and Up the Amp and Kate Moss for Rimmel No. 4 ( a deep deep purple) that I think works well with my hair for an unusual look.

I guess I just want some opinions on some mac lipstick shades you guys think might work on me that I haven't considered before. I still like the idea of getting Hang Up if it's ever in stock, but some other ideas would be cool too :)



Well-known member
Hi Guys,

I have 6 empties that I was trying to back2mac for Hang Up lipstick for ages, but it was never in stock. Since then I have dyed my hair from platnium blonde to bright orange:

So I really want to get a new fun colour I haven't really tried before. I have loads of classic reds that I'm happy with already and Up the Amp and Kate Moss for Rimmel No. 4 ( a deep deep purple) that I think works well with my hair for an unusual look.

I guess I just want some opinions on some mac lipstick shades you guys think might work on me that I haven't considered before. I still like the idea of getting Hang Up if it's ever in stock, but some other ideas would be cool too :)

Depends on what you're looking for. If you're doing bright my first instinct is VG Nicki, but you can't B2M for that. Ohhh Rebel would be pretty too, ever try that? It's fun to mix, and you can alter it depending on your application... There's always Snob if you're into brighter pinks... Plumful is nice... uhhhh, I'm trying to remember the lipstick schematic... Oh one more, Girl about Town. Those are all fun in different ways :).


Well-known member
I think a nice bright purple would be great with your hair, pity violetta is pro only as that was the first that sprung to mind. Other than that another vote for rebel here.


Well-known member
Cyber, Rebel, Violetta, Dark Side, and Film Noir. Goes and Goes (Prolongwear) would look great on you too.


Well-known member
If you really want to go all out orange (or just to make a statement!), I suggest Korean Candy l/s and Entertain Me l/l...:)


Cyber, Rebel, Violetta, Dark Side, and Film Noir. Goes and Goes (Prolongwear) would look great on you too.
I like the idea of dark lipsticks, especially as we get closer and closer to autumn. I was still think Hang Up or Media maybe, I like the idea of Film Noir, but it's described as a brown, I've never worn brown lipstick before, what's it like on (on pale skin in particular)?

Thanks guys for the other recommendations, I have Show Orchid already (and a couple of other bright pinks) and I never would have thought they might look nice with my new hair, so I'll try them out. Still trying to adjust my colour schemes, having platinum hair for so long I felt I could get away with anything and now I'm not so sure!


Well-known member
I think the bright orange ,plum or red lips will go great with your hair
CB 96, Sail la Vie ,plum-like ,lady danger , red racer (that i can think of at the moment). :)


Well-known member
I have vibrant copper hair and the lipsticks that look best on me are:
- Viva Glam 2
- Half n Half
- Kinda Sexy
- Faux
- Twig

- Rebel
- Amorous
- Craving

- Brick O La
- Dubbonet
- Mac Red

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