Mac Livejournal


Well-known member
Ok well i've had a live journal account for about a year, and i used to post a lot, then i slowed down a bit. So i tried to apply to the mac_cosmetics live journal community and they rejected me twice. I think i followed all their rules, must be no newer than 3 months, must have atleast 1 post with comments enabled, must PM them with your specktra/ebay/MUA links to prove good feedback.

...i still cant figure it out...


Well-known member
I never even got rejected, I just didn't get a response at all, and I applied twice (not in a row, obviously). It's bizarre. Is anyone actually still running that community or has it been orphaned and there's nobody to approve new apps?


Well-known member
It seems like they have certain times they accept people
I tried joining last summer and never got accepted or rejected, but I found out the same thing happened to others. Then earlier this year I noticed a bunch of new people joining so I tried joining and got in.
I'm not sure why they're rejecting people that followed the rules though


Well-known member
I'm in the community (I'm MacForMe over there too), i wonder why they are rejecting you? I know they want people to have active journals.. but aside from that, I can't imagine anything else..


Well-known member
Omg... I was just about to start a thread on this!!

I've been trying more or less EVERY WEEK since February and I keep getting rejected over and over again, its so damn frustrating! Sometimes I don't get an email saying I've been rejected, sometimes I do.

I cover all the criteria.. Its not like i'm inactive either!

I just messaged a user who I wanted buy from in her sale and I mentioned I keep getting rejected and she said the same thing happened to her, so she messaged the mod and suggested I did too... So I've followed her advice and have done, so we'll see what happens!

I thought what FullWroth thought that nobody runs it anymore, but I got emails and I've seen the member numbers go up... meh. who knows. damn annoying though.


Well-known member
i don't have an active livejournal and i didn't have a problem getting in...but of course, when i applied, my journal was relatively active. maybe the people that accept the applications are just swamped with people applying since it's summer now and alot of people have alot more free time...?


Well-known member
weird! Are you talking about mac_cosmetics? I have nothing in my livejournal and didn't have any trouble getting in.


Well-known member
Sorry if this is a dumb question but why do you have to apply to be a part of the mac_cosmetics community on live journal? I never understood why it wasn't open to everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Sorry if this is a dumb question but why do you have to apply to be a part of the mac_cosmetics community on live journal? I never understood why it wasn't open to everyone.

Live journal not only consists of blogs and stuff, but they have communities that are runned by just average people like you and me, so i guess some may choose the option to accept all members that apply or some may choose the option that you must meet certain criteria before you get accepted. Weird, mac_cosmetics community has been weird with ther membership lately... Maybe they only want a certain number of people to be in the community so they reject people and accept people as people leave the community/get booted for inactiviy? I haven't got a clue


Well-known member
I got rejected twice and then on my third try got accepted. I don't remember even PM-ing my feeback though. I think the member acceptance is pretty random.


Well-known member
I applied a couple of weeks ago, and I just got in. Which is weird because I have one post in my journal from almost a year ago, I don't remember reading the rules and I didn't even send them my feedback lol. I'll go read the rules now, unfortunately I don't have any feedback to give them since I've never trapped/swapped.


Well-known member
Wow!! If your reading this try to join the community again!! I tried again 2 weeks ago, and i got accepted this morning, and it appears that dozens of other girls are getting in too!


Well-known member
i got accepted this morning too
WOO!! but i think specktra is way better lol, i havent even posted on there


Well-known member
I applied again, why not? I like Specktra better too, but I'm also on LJ a lot, so it's nice to have all my interests consolidated there as well.


Well-known member
I found out that I got accepted today (I decided to try after reading this) and I have not posted on live journal ONCE. I wonder if they check out your status on Specktra and MUA as well. I still am going to spend all of my time here!