MAC MA in Las Vegas


Hello ladies,

My best friend is getting married this July and I'm her matron of honor *yay*! I'm trying to help her plan from Sacramento, CA. Are there any MAC makeup artists in Las Vegas on here, or do you have any recommendations for an MA in that area?

I'd like to see some bridal makeup examples (on your clients).




Well-known member
Might have better luck with this in the forum for budding MAC MAs, hopefully. But will copy to Recommendations just in case too.


Just a suggestion!!

If you cannot find a MUA in your area; I have a suggestion. For my wedding, my cousin setup an appointment at the MAC counter (as her gift to me) a couple of hours before the wedding. All she had to do was to purchase $45.00 in MAC products, which was great. So I had my makeup done by a MAC artist and I bought my lipstick and lipliner etc.(with the $45.00) for touch ups. The MUA did my eyes with mac paint, so my eyeshadow never faded.

However, an artist at the wedding/ reception is always good for touchups if you can find one!!

I hoped this helped!


Thanks for the responses ladies! I'll call the nearest MAC store. I was actually hoping to have the MA help before the wedding in our hotel since its in Vegas and it'll be HOT. I'll figure something out

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