MAC MA | Salary ?


Yah, it's about that..Very generous plus we have a great time working, and all the free make-up.!!!


Originally Posted by Life In Return
I am currently working as a supervisor in retail. There is a MAC store opening at a mall nearby in March. I am debating on applying there. Can anyone who works at one tell me what the pay is like ? You don't have to tell me numbers, but just a general figure. Thanks, guys; really appreciate that


Artist 15-27.00 (depending on city)
Store manager 40,000-80,000 (depending on city)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by a_parting_gift
Let me ask you ... for freelance, do they not want people that have other commitments? For instance: school. Do you just let them know when you're NOT available and then they call you the day before? lol I've not really understood how the freelance system works.

At the time I was hired I was taking 22 credits & had 2 other I guess they don't mind outside commitments, just tell them up front what you're available & what you're not.

There are two way that you get days to work-
1)When they do the schedule for the following week, if there are any shifts that are left unfilled by the permanent MAs they will offer them to you...this is how I get most of my hours now. It makes it a bit easier to plan life this way.
2)If someone calls out or they are really busy someone will call you & ask if you want to come in. You usually get about a two hour notice. They may call you on times that you said you're not availiable-my store rarely checks availability before they call, but it's ok to say no....even if it's a time you said you were available. The way it was explained to me in my interview was that if you constantly say no, they are going to call you less & less-they'll call people they know will be willing to work & give them hours first.

And, no, we don't get gratis....grrrr! hehe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight

There are two way that you get days to work-
1)When they do the schedule for the following week, if there are any shifts that are left unfilled by the permanent MAs they will offer them to you...this is how I get most of my hours now. It makes it a bit easier to plan life this way.
2)If someone calls out or they are really busy someone will call you & ask if you want to come in. You usually get about a two hour notice. They may call you on times that you said you're not availiable-my store rarely checks availability before they call, but it's ok to say no....even if it's a time you said you were available. The way it was explained to me in my interview was that if you constantly say no, they are going to call you less & less-they'll call people they know will be willing to work & give them hours first.

And, no, we don't get gratis....grrrr! hehe

This is incredibly helpful
thanks so much!!!


Well-known member
Does anyone know roughly how much an MA in the UK working at a counter in Harvey Nichols would get?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chrissi
Does anyone know roughly how much an MA in the UK working at a counter in Harvey Nichols would get?

Hi Chrissi! I would like to know this too. Are you thinking about applying? I'll come visit you if you do! I'm so happy there's so many Scotland people that are MAC obsessed now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by turtle_pixie_
Hi Chrissi! I would like to know this too. Are you thinking about applying? I'll come visit you if you do! I'm so happy there's so many Scotland people that are MAC obsessed now

Definitely! I was actually asked by one of the MA's to apply a couple of years ago, but was really happy in my job at the time so didn't give it much thought.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shabdebaz
They start their holiday hires at $15/hr and then work up pretty quickly from there if you are kept on.

that's how it is in edmonton too...I think you have to add in all the money you would be saving on make-up too!


New member
Hi i know exactly how much they're on as my best friend works in HN for MAC, she started off with 16,5k plus bonuses she's been with them for a year now and she is on a little bit more now. I'm soon to start working for them in a pro store but will be on slightly more, generally if you're good they will notice and promote you fast :)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by magiclovepl
Hi i know exactly how much they're on as my best friend works in HN for MAC, she started off with 16,5k plus bonuses she's been with them for a year now and she is on a little bit more now. I'm soon to start working for them in a pro store but will be on slightly more, generally if you're good they will notice and promote you fast :)

Thank you! I can see a change of job on the horizon...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fishchick72
I was just curious, what type of discount do you get on MAC cosmetics when you are an employee?

60% off plus Gratis


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sarah
60% off plus Gratis

This may sound silly, but I've never heard the term "gratis". What does this mean exactly?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelsea
here in my city they start at $14. I make better money working for SDM.

Do you work as a MA for SDM?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by holliedavis
This may sound silly, but I've never heard the term "gratis". What does this mean exactly?

Basically FREEBIES. They get free stuff from new collections


Well-known member
When I worked PT for Clinique I started at only $7.90 an hour, but we got 4.5% commission. So I only worked about 20-30 hours a week and my pay was about $1000 - $1200 a month...but I worked crappy hours when we were really slow so I guess it just depends.

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