MAC MSF's...too frosty or is it just me ? What I found I like better!


Well-known member
I LOVE the color of the colourcraft MSF and have liked some previous MSF's as well...but I can't buy them because they are just too frosty for me...I SO wish there were matte versions of the colourcraft MSFs because they are so pretty! I loved the swatches of them online, and in person the color of Fad Dabulous mineralized blush and the MSF Smooth Merge were so pretty on my skin....but too frosty
I walked away without buying them.
Sigh...and I was really excited about them too!

Then later, after my eye exam at the mall (and just after I already bought an apricot glow blush at Aveda...which I love)...I walked over to Sephora and saw the Cargo blushes, suedeblushes and beachblushes (which are the same price or a couple of bucks less as the MAC MSFs). They have so much more variety and are just as pretty if not prettier than those MSF's...with almost no frost (they are soft and have a tiny bit of shimmer though not too much). My problem there was (a) I had already bought a blush and (b) there was so much variety I didn't even know where to So I walked out of Sephora with nothing. I will go back and get one when I have more time...and money lol.


Well-known member
I agree about a lot of the MAC MSFs being to frosty/glittery. The only ones that were not like were the ones from the BBR collection and Perfect Topping from Sugarsweet.


Well-known member
They're too frosty for me as well...I don't know why, maybe because I get oily quickly, but I don't like anything very shimmery/glittery on my face. The MSFs look gorgeous on some people, but on me I find they look a little OTT and distracting...


Well-known member
Most of them are too shimmery/frosty for me too. CARGO has great blushes! You should definitely go back for some. I have 3 blushes and a bronzer, and I want more!