Mac Mua


I'm new to the board here and I've been cruising the forum (it's so hard to catch up). I've been an avid MAC user for many years because the make-up is GREAT (obviously) and my service has always been fantastic. Some threads I've visited here have referenced to bad artists or service which is odd to me because compared to alot of other places the service at MAC is superior to any other cosemtics line I purchase from. Sometimes it's too busy to expect over and above service but I've been fortunate to always have a kind sales associate nonetheless. Anyway, I'm always a happy go lucky gal in any situation and I just wanted to take time to commend MAC and their artists on a job well done! And I hope anyone who has ever recieved bad service from a MAC MUA can see through someones bad day (definitly not an excuse for bad service) and find themselves a fantastic associate who knows how fantastic YOU are!!


Well-known member
I totally agree!...I personally have NEVER had bad service at a MAC...never!...the MA's have always been really helpful and super sweet...maybe it's because they know that I'll let them clean out my entire bank account!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautenoir
I totally agree!...I personally have NEVER had bad service at a MAC...never!...the MA's have always been really helpful and super sweet...maybe it's because they know that I'll let them clean out my entire bank account!

Hilarious! I never thought about it that way, but so true! I have never had bad service at a counter, but have experienced some snootiness, but I usually just don't go to that particular person at the counter.

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