MAC N Color Collection discussion


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Originally Posted by amy84023
Here are some pics...hope they haven't been posted yet.

Hope that all worked!

Look a couple of posts up from yours.


Well-known member
I just called my pro store and she claims they dont know when its coming out and to keep checking back. seriously... they never know when anything is coming out and I usually miss the first days of everything. grrrr.

anyone know if this is being released at counters too? ive had better experiences with the girls at the counter near my school than with the pro store. their loss!


Well-known member
yes it will be release at counters too. the only thing that will be release at Pro stores is the A Mei collection and that is only at select cities.


Active member
This collection is also repromoting two of the Charged Waters - Renewal Defense and Revitalizing Energy. And I'm not sure if it was mentioned yet, but some of the natural MSFs will be perm.


Well-known member
So I was lucky enough to open the counter this morning and receive a huge shipment of boxes (12!), some of which contained the new N collection! I'm really excited to see everyone's reactions to these colors because they're all pretty neutral and muted but still gorgeous. My friend at the Lancome counter said the colors struck him as very Bobbi Brown (shh), but (unlike anything BB would ever do) MAC is creating looks that are still pretty dramatic and heavy on the eyes. I opened the look book for this and the looks are absolutely gorgeous. Soft colors but dramatic eyes and gorgeous, neutral lips.

I really think that Nanogold will be a huge hit. Personally I was also very taken with Neutral Pink. The rest are your everyday, average browns and brown-greys. I wasn't able to swatch them but they still look fabulous, especially when applied (if the look book is anything to go off).

Lightflush MSF is GORGEOUS! I'm really excited to get this! It kind of reminded me a little of Northern Light, except a little less rosy and with a little less bronze veining.

I really appreciate that MAC is coming out with another wave of MSFs because I really feel that as amazing as the MSF Naturals are, they don't cater to everyone and this is exactly what these MSFs do, I think. Just from look at them in the compact I could tell that they are simply the "NC" versions of the current Light, Medium, Medium Dark, and Dark. Also a few in-between colors which is a nice change.

Soft Ochre is a gorgeous paint pot, another one that I thought was like the "NC" version of a previously released paintpot.

Demi-Blanc is an ...interesting nail lacquer, to say the least. Can't say I was really taken by it. Naturally Rich is weird to me. I dunno, it just looked like foundation in a nail polish bottle -- NO, you know what it looked like?! Red clay! In liquid form! That's exactly it. :p Haha, excuse my little free association thing there, but that is exactly what it reminds me of.

Anyway, hope this helps. Can't wait til ya'll can see it for yourselves!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amy04
I really think that Nanogold will be a huge hit

Did you happen to check out the texture of that one? I have kind of sworn off lustres....

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Demi-Blanc is an ...interesting nail lacquer, to say the least. Can't say I was really taken by it. Naturally Rich is weird to me. I dunno, it just looked like foundation in a nail polish bottle -- NO, you know what it looked like?! Red clay! In liquid form! That's exactly it. :p Haha, excuse my little free association thing there, but that is exactly what it reminds me of.

I'm really looking forward to this collection.
What did you think of the n/p N? Is it shimmery, frosty or just a creme?

Q:Are MAC employees allowed to sell the merchandise before the release date?


Well-known member
N Colour had no sparkle to it at all. It was a flat, light beige. Very natural and if I get a lacquer, that'd be the one!

As far as the texture of Nanogold I will get back to you on that tomorrow. I don't want to say for sure but I will say that I tend to lean away from lustres myself (because of the textures) and I still liked Nanogold.

I'm pretty sure that there's a certain date when the SKU's can be processed by the registers and therefore sold, but I'm not positive about that. I'm pretty positive though that no MA is allowed to sell before the release date... whether it's actually POSSIBLE, not sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
Here's the postcard mailer I got today. Its similar to the one above but the writing is different & it was only 1 page(no fold out) It says the release date is the 17th.

I received the same postcard in my order today, too....This is the 1st card I've received from MAC since Danse....I wonder if they're going to start putting a card in the mail-order packages like they used to when I 1st started ordering Feb '06. I hope so...

I also got an Originals "One-of-a-kind Contest" postcard in the same package.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ms. Z;974929
I'm really looking forward to this collection. [/color]
What did you think of the n/p N? Is it shimmery, frosty or just a creme?

Q:Are MAC employees allowed to sell the merchandise before the release date?

N colour polish is a cream.

the registers acknowledge the new skews at counters (macys atleast), but we are not allowed to sell new colours to the public before the launch date.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Did you happen to check out the texture of that one? I have kind of sworn off lustres....

nanogold is a lustre, but its not like the regular lustres.


Well-known member
I have to say that from the pics, I am not wowed by this collection as a whole, but I am excited for certain pieces. I am anxious to see:

-Light Flush MSF
-Nanogold e/s
-Neutral Pink e/s
-1N, 2N and 3N l/s
-The nailpolishes (though from the descriptions above, I will probably skip them)

Erine1881/Amy04, do you know the finishes on the lip products?

I am excited to have a Nordie's giftcard to spend!
I just called and they are launching 1/10.


Well-known member
I have not bought any Mac in a long while, so this year I'm going to splurge a little. I have my eye on 3 collectios so far. this is one of them.


Well-known member
the MAC freestanding near me said it will be launched on the 10th and they are having events from the 10-13th


Well-known member
The release date is now the 10th!?!?!? I definately have to get to an ATM ASAP! LOL But I have to say that after having time to digest the collection and stare longingly at the promo pics, I feel that I have narrowed it down to:
~Nanogold e/s (I love my golds)
~Light Flush
~2N or 3N

I might get something else, but I am not really one for mattes, and Remotely Grey kind of reminds me of Moth Brown (which I have) and I am more of a lipstick girl than gloss.

Thanks AudreyNicole!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I have to say that from the pics, I am not wowed by this collection as a whole, but I am excited for certain pieces. I am anxious to see:

-Light Flush MSF
-Nanogold e/s
-Neutral Pink e/s
-1N, 2N and 3N l/s
-The nailpolishes (though from the descriptions above, I will probably skip them)

Erine1881/Amy04, do you know the finishes on the lip products?

I am excited to have a Nordie's giftcard to spend!
I just called and they are launching 1/10.

all the lipsticks are lustres, except for 1N (glaze).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
all the lipsticks are lustres, except for 1N (glaze).

Thank you for this! That make me happy!
Lustres, along with Amplified cremes, are my two favorite formulas!


Well-known member
More confusion abounds on the release dates. Per my fave MAC MAs at Nordies in downtown Seattle the release date is 01/10 but their event isn't scheduled until the following week (possibly due to the collection release being bumped). Our local freestanding show has release date of 01/10 with events that weekend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
Thank you for this! That make me happy!
Lustres, along with Amplified cremes, are my two favorite formulas!

it makes me happy too cuz i love lustres!!