I am a romanian girl in love with Mac and I have been here on specktra.com to read all your comments since I've discovered Mac, more then a year ago. I refresh specktra.com more then 30 times per day

and I wait for you to write news about the collection and about your happiness when the black box arrives at the door.
This is the first comment I am writing, please excuse the long introduction and poor english. I want, first of all, to say "HI" to all of you that I've now know by nickname: HerGreyness, LMD84, GlamQueen21, teresita_mc, romy79_2008, liba, paparazziboy, peachsuns, Susanne, tamarindi, erine1881, audreynicole and many, many more.
I am writing this because I need your help. Naturally has the product that I always want to have (Redhead) but I need to buy from House of Fraser.
Does anybody knows from past experience when House of Fraser UK will probably have the collection online?
Thank you for all then things you write here, I can only go once a year to a Mac shop, you are a big help to me in deciding what to buy.