MAC necklaces...where from ?


Well-known member
I keep spotting MAC necklaces in FOTD's.
Are these for staff only, if not where can I get one please.



Well-known member
These necklaces, pins, etc are only for staff members. You can buy them off of ebay for ridiculous prices though.


Well-known member
ahhh i think its so wrong to buy them off of ebay when you arent even a staff member! those things are EARNED for employees. its not something they are just handed once they become an employee... they have to train and get certified in order to earn them... for people to just be selling them for ridiculous prices on ebay is just WRONG
i mean i know they CAN and i know people will buy them i just dont understand why people would want them if they know theres more meaning behind them....

oh and i am not directing this towards you! haha sorry if i sound like i am, you didnt know they were staff only so im not talkin about you... im talking about the people who will spend ridiculous money for them who know they are for staff only.


Well-known member
They did sell Viva Glam V T-shirts for a while from the website - LE of course and proceeds went to M·A·C Aids Fund.


Well-known member
You can make your own M·A·C necklace which isn't a staff one by taking the zipper pull off one of the classic cases and putting it on your own chain. Some folks seem to have made necklaces from these and put them on sale on eBay for ridiculous prices!



Well-known member
welllll, just because it's related to the topic at hand I just won this:


and this:


on Ebay! *excited*

Oh and Lah_knee - the only one that ever seems to pop up on Ebay that's "earned" by employees is the lariat certification necklace. There are old pendants and rings that used to be given out for 5 years with the company, but now they give bracelets (cuffs) and I've never seen that on Ebay. I have the ring. I didn't even know it was for 5 years until someone told me. And I don't think it's "wrong" for non-staff to buy them. I just see it as useless personally (unless you're a collector). I now own the ones pictured above, plus the Up The Amp "bling" one along with the regular staff necklace and a certification necklace that my coworker gave me (he had two) and I wear them all to work (except the certification one because 13 months later, I'm still not certified, by no fault of mine though) The second one I pictures was actually sold to the public at Fashion Cares in 1995. Not all are strictly staff necklaces.


Well-known member
Risa, I have one of those clip on pendants, but I was told I could not wear it to work...oh well. I use it as a keychain.

I think sometimes the certification thing has to do with being at the right place at the right time (ie:your trainer having the time to test you out). I got lucky!


Well-known member
im talking about the most common necklace. the one that IS staff only :\ and i just dont see a point in people trying to get it if its staff only. even if you love the makeup, its still something for staff only and ya i personally wouldnt feel right wearing it around if it didnt work there.


Well-known member
oh wow! i want one!!! that's such a clever idea with the zipper though
But it would kind of look a bit tacky though don't you think!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jess98765
oh wow! i want one!!! that's such a clever idea with the zipper though
But it would kind of look a bit tacky though don't you think!

If you put it on a choker or a chain type necklace (like the Return to Tiffany's one), it actually looks pretty cool.

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