Mac Nw35 and Nw40


New member
Hi everyone I'm kinda lost here lol
I just found out I've been wearing the wrong foundation shades for years( Nc35-nc42)
Turns out I am a NW. so I guess I must be Nw35-40 (NC42 is a little bit light on me but it works) I am caucausian and kinda tanned.

I tried to google on Mac nw35-40 skintones but it wasn't much help. So if you guys might know a celebrity or yourself or a friend etc in that range please feel welcome to post a pic !


Well-known member

I'm NW40 myself. During the winter season, I get to NW35. BTW, I am of Hispanic ancestry, tho' people have told me that I looked half-white. Here is my skintone pic:

Hope this helps you. And feel free to browse around the site.