MAC Paint Pots


Active member
I have dark NC45 skin. I want to purchase a paint pot to use as a base for shadows for better color feedback. This is what a lot of gals use the paint pots for, correct? Anyway, I was wondering which shade in the paint pot I should get that won't look too washed out against my skin. I see a lot of tutorials using Soft Ochre Paint Pot but I'm scared it will look too pasty on me?


Well-known member
there are matte and shimmery paintpots, the later are transparent, and the matte are not. soft ochre is a matte paintpot for yellow-toned skincolours, and it works very well as it smoothes the eyelid out and helps show off tthe e/s, but you can also get a shimmery p/p like indianwood, which has a subtle gold/bronze shimmer.


Well-known member
I agree with glamqueen1. I tend to use Bare Study as I find it to be quite neutral. But to be honest, I don't really find it ups the intensity of very vivid colours (like bright blues or yellows or whatnot). For that I find it most helpful to apply shadows over UDPP or a shadestick.

It's totally individual though. Good luck!