MAC Postcards and Mailers


Well-known member
OMG. Why is it I never get any of these?!? :confused: I live in the UK, have my MAC PPID and never get any of them.
I managed to pick up a sundressing one but thats it. Everyone else seems to be getting invites and mailers about the new collections and I don't get anything! Is it because I live in the UK? :confused: Or is there some other reason? It can't be because I don't spend enough, I spend a fortune!!!


Well-known member
i can post you a postcard or two im in the UK
I hardly get anything in the mail and i have a student pro card! I saw some posts ago that turbokitty got a mailer shes in the UK

PM me your addy


Well-known member
Ooh the Lure one is gorgeous, but don't think I have any hope of getting it! It's hard to enough getting postcards around here, am UK also!


Well-known member
I'm in the UK and I get some of the MAC mailers. It took me about 3 years of spending several (and I mean several) thousand pounds per year on MAC, and attending every possible event within a few hundred miles before I started getting anything sent to me though.

I have to move house this year and I am worried I'll stop receiving them again then.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
It took me about 3 years of spending several (and I mean several) thousand pounds per year on MAC

i was thinking that... lol! I think you probably have the biggest MAC collection in the UK. They owe it to you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JesusShaves
i was thinking that... lol! I think you probably have the biggest MAC collection in the UK. They owe it to you

I'm not sure that's true but one day I'll get round to taking photos of it all and posting a collection thread. I recently lost my inventory list when my organiser failed so I need to recatalogue everything. That in itself is a pretty daunting task!


Well-known member
I seem to generally get the cards with Dillards addresses on them, but haven't gotten anything from Lure yet. I don't understand it, either, because I've ordered tons, and still do, from both Nordstroms & the MAC website, and have ordered from MAC over the phone to get palettes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
I'm in the US and i never get any either.

Same here. They don't love me as much as I love them!


Well-known member
Make sure you are on the mailing list at the MAC store. I have been on it for over a year and only received on thing! It was from the stylistics collection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vcarina88x
i'm in the UK and now have about 130 MAC postcards, some are dupes though

if you ever wanna get rid of those dupes, send them my way!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by breakdown
I used to get them mailed to me but after Danse....NOTHING!!

Agreed....the last one I received was Danse, too....

But last week, much to my surprise, when I opened my package, I had TWO cards -- One for the Originals and one for N Collection....I couldn't believe it!!


Well-known member
I'm in the US and I last got one for the Stylistics, but again, only after I had spent lots of dough for the past 1 1/2 years. But my girlfriend who spends just as much or more than me has never gotten a postcard. May be it's hit and miss.


Well-known member
amy, chuck, im in the UK and will send you some postcards. PM me your add lass

was in harvey nics this arvo and picked up a wad of originals ones
they had a mahoooooooooooooooosive pile

Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
I'm not sure that's true but one day I'll get round to taking photos of it all and posting a collection thread. I recently lost my inventory list when my organiser failed so I need to recatalogue everything. That in itself is a pretty daunting task!


cant wait to see all those pleasureflush msfs youve amassed woman!

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