MAC Pro New Neon Pigments


Well-known member
These would be perfect for the fashion shows that my school puts on for the students to show their work. I am def. going to get all of them up and use them in the fashion show I am going to do!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Julie5
How can I buy these????? I so want them I have no pro store

you live in San Jose right? (former San Jo native now living in Iowa) My dear! you have two of the best mass transit systems in California just a hop skip and a jump away... BART and Cal train... both go to SF... hop on one and go to town! NOW NOW!!! lmao


Well-known member
I use the metals mixed in with other pigments, for example copper mixed with chocolate brown. I do it my own risk but never had a bad reaction and it's really pretty. I've never had problems with any of Macs pigments but not everyone is the same. A recent gal I told me she had problems with cool pink but others don't...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
Haaaahahahaha I love your avatar! Those pics are terrible lol.

LOL...thank you. I didn't think most people would appreciate it because they don't get the reference.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
someone said they called the chicago store and they don't have em yet, and won't for awhile yet.

Oh, then I must call our pro store here and ask as well... I want to visit them in July - please let them have the neon pigments!!


Well-known member
MUFE has a Star powder in neon pink and it is pretty shimmery.I picked this up today at the Sephora that just opened in the mall
and it looks like the pink one from this pro neon pigment coll.-except with shimmer.


Well-known member
I called the pro store yesterday, in NY on W.22nd street and they said they do have the neon pigments. I went there after work and none of the mua's had even heard of the neon pigments. Then when I called again this morning, they said they have yet to receive any...

does anyone know if these people know what they are doing, are the neon pigments there or not!???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bklynfemme
I called the pro store yesterday, in NY on W.22nd street and they said they do have the neon pigments. I went there after work and none of the mua's had even heard of the neon pigments. Then when I called again this morning, they said they have yet to receive any...

does anyone know if these people know what they are doing, are the neon pigments there or not!???

That's funny because i called that store today and they said they had some but not for sure how many they still had in stock..I had called the store up on Fifth and Bdway and they told me to call the store on 22nd cuz they had them...also tho today when i called he said they were closed today and to call back tomorrow and order if i wanted...which is why i just moved on and called other stores.

*Miami Store is supposed to get theirs the 12th or 13th as the manager said.

*Orlando, didnt call

*Dallas has them all and will ship

I didnt call none of the west coast places because that's out of jurisdiction of my timeframe lol.

Hope that helps.


Well-known member
You sure you didn't call the Flat Iron store. Mac pro has them for sure.

Originally Posted by bklynfemme
I called the pro store yesterday, in NY on W.22nd street and they said they do have the neon pigments. I went there after work and none of the mua's had even heard of the neon pigments. Then when I called again this morning, they said they have yet to receive any...

does anyone know if these people know what they are doing, are the neon pigments there or not!???



Well-known member
That's funny because i called that store today and they said they had some but not for sure how many they still had in stock..I had called the store up on Fifth and Bdway and they told me to call the store on 22nd cuz they had them...also tho today when i called he said they were closed today and to call back tomorrow and order if i wanted...which is why i just moved on and called other stores.

hmm yea, that def helps. i'll try calling back tomorrow


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
You sure you didn't call the Flat Iron store. Mac pro has them for sure.

Well I actually called both. I'll have to just go in person...


Well-known member
Are you guys aware that these are permanent?

I talked to MAC yesterday and was told they are permanent additions to the Pro line.


Well-known member
I told my MA about these and she said that Neo Sci Fi should have come out with these pigments instead of the neutrals.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
I told my MA about these and she said that Neo Sci Fi should have come out with these pigments instead of the neutrals.
