mac pro


Well-known member
hello where can i find uk information about this membership card?
the website is confusing and is all 'international blah may vary'


Well-known member
What do you want to know? I'm a PPID holder in the UK so I can tell you a bit more without all the international may vary bumf!


Well-known member
just really what do u have to do to qualify? do u have to do a beauty course at school stuff like that just anything really


Well-known member
As far as I can gather you need to be working in the industry but you could be doing many different things! I took my makeup certificate from college and my business card but the form that you can download from is what you need to fill in and take to store with your evidence. It costs £25 per year (I paid for mine at the end of march) and its saved me a fortune! The discount does depend on what you do though. They do a student card too but I'm not sure about that one!!!

HTH. If you want to know anything else, LMK.


Well-known member
You can only use it in stand alone stores, not the concessions. I know my closest mac is the counter in debenhams, sheffield, but the closest store I can use my card in is nottingham. If you go on the pro website and run a store search, you can search for the stores in the UK that accept pro discount!
