MAC quad pro palette broken =(


Active member
the plastic hinge somehow broke on my MAC quad pro palette and it hasn't even gotten banged around or anything! Has anyone else experienced this? What do you do in this situation? My poor eyeshadows are now so vulnerable to getting nicked and scratched by other items =(

Any suggestions would be great. Thanks =)


Well-known member
awww... I'm sorry it broke! I hate when my MAC stuff breaks. Can you rubberband the cover to the bottom for now until you can get another one?


Well-known member
add it to your back2 mac collection after you get a new one?? can you use old palletes for back2mac??


Well-known member
Almost every one of my pro pan palettes has broken. They stood vertically in a drawer. To solve the problem, I swtiched to 15-pan palettes. I store premade quads flat in a storage chest.