MAC questions

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Chic 2k6

Well-known member
this probably has been discussed lots but I got a few MAC questions I'd like to know about

1) What are pigments? I see them mentioned lots but I dont know what they are

2) Is there any sites where I can request free samples of MAC before I buy? because I like to know what colours suit me best so i can get the proper product.

3) This one is for the UK people, does places like Debenhams and Dingles sell MAC at all?

any answers is much appreciated
also this site is well awesome! 8) sorry bout Q3 i dont know if anywhere outside UK does Debenhams and Dingles


Well-known member
Hello! Here's a thread all about pigments located in the specktra faq's: As for free samples, I don't you can anywhere, but with the swatches in our gallery I'm sure you'll be able to spend your money on pigments without regrets. You can also read up on reviews either here or on MUA so long as you register (free) There are good deals on recent and discontinued pigments from members of Specktra, so be sure to take a look at the Sale/Swap thread!


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to Specktra!

1) Those threads should help you:

2) I don't think that there are sites where you can request those samples but you can always try to ask for a swatch ( or ask a question in our Recommendations forum (, preferably with a pic or a description of your skin/eye color etc.!
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