Originally Posted by leenybeeny
Makes me wonder if anyone from MAC Corp watches us??
I am sure they do. Corporate companies are really on top of what people are saying about them on the internet, between google alert, twitter alerrts etc.
I know where I work all employees have a google alert set up to our emails to alert us anytime the name of our company is mentioned on the internet. Its crazy! I see everything anyone has to say about us.
I am sure MAC has some sort of similar system.
This reminds me of an interesting story i heard the other day during a meeting. We had a meeting with an off price retailer (think, Gilt Groupe, Ideeli, HauteLook, etc) the buyer was talking about how she has a twitter account and wrote on it "Jet Blue Sucks" within 10 minutes someone from jetblue customer service called her to see if he could help.
They are watching you...