Mac Silver Pigments


New member

I am a new convert to Mac but think I will quickly become addicted! I have a question about pigments that on of you experts may be able to help me with.

I sold a silver pigment on ebay that I had not used. The code on the bottom of the pot and on the barcode sticker was A75.

The lady I sold it to says that it is a fake and that she already has a silver pigment with the code A12 and that it is a pro pigment. She has sent me photos of her pigment and the information on the back of the pot is on a sticker. I've only ever seen it printed directly onto the pot.

The question is, do or have Mac made different versions of silver with different codes and is the product information ever on a sticker rather than directly on the pot?

I would really appreciate your help as I am a little upset at being told I have sold a fake!

Many Thanks,



Well-known member
Originally Posted by apinnyon

I am a new convert to Mac but think I will quickly become addicted! I have a question about pigments that on of you experts may be able to help me with.

I sold a silver pigment on ebay that I had not used. The code on the bottom of the pot and on the barcode sticker was A75.

The lady I sold it to says that it is a fake and that she already has a silver pigment with the code A12 and that it is a pro pigment. She has sent me photos of her pigment and the information on the back of the pot is on a sticker. I've only ever seen it printed directly onto the pot.

The question is, do or have Mac made different versions of silver with different codes and is the product information ever on a sticker rather than directly on the pot?

I would really appreciate your help as I am a little upset at being told I have sold a fake!

Many Thanks,


Hiya there,

I have an old Silver Mac pigment,that i have bought from MAC counter sometime ago ,just to put your mind at rest a little bit mine pigment has AB3, batch code
Hope that helps a bit any case as someone already suggested there's a separate thread with photos and comparisons on here so have a look


Well-known member
If the pigment you sold came from a MAC Store then you can rest assured that it is authentic.

If you got it through other means, then we would need pictures to identify whether it is counterfeit or not.

ETA - you mentioned that it had the batch code A75?it looks like the one you sold may well be a counterfeit then - please see this post and the replies to it.


Well-known member
I think we need some pics - thats te best way to tell, but I have to agree if the Silver you sold has an A75 batch and its a frost not a meal finish then its likelt to be fake. The Silver frost was discontinued 2 years before A75 batches were ever released.