MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
I am NW15 and I purchased love thing, gentle, dainty, and plesantry. I think that my favorites so far are love thing (with a very light hand) and dainty. These are the only ones that really stood out as being PPP friendly but I think that any of them can work with the right blush and blending. I am trying not to get anymore but it is hard!


Well-known member
I read some pages looking for this answer but you girls have written a lot lol, so I'm sorry if this was already answered, I just couldn't read it all.

How are these babies regarding lasting power?
I can't use MAC blushes because they just dissappear quickly, I have oily acne prone skin, so it isn't a blush problem but a skin problem, I'm not blaming MAC. So I'd like to know if you have to reapply this more often or if these ones last longer than MAC "regular" blushes....


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Happy Birthday Audrey!!

Just wanted to share how excited I am to pick these up tomorrow! Haven't had a chance to yet cuz of work and stuff, but finally going, I CAN'T wait to see these things in person! I have decided on Gentle, Pleasantry, Dainty, and Nuance [however, if I like Warm Soul more I will get that one instead!]. I'm also going to pick up Fast Thrill, Cultureclash, Sea and Sky, and Odd Couple from Electroflash! So glad to hear everyone likes these!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
So now that we've all had a chance to play with our products,

I was wondering if you all could give me a little bit of advice.

For all of you that are either NW/NC 15 - 25 ish skin tones, what are your FAVES from this collection!

I purchased Dainty, Gentle, and Pleasantry - which I'm in love with!!!... but I'm curious to know what you all with a smiliar skin tone think of the other colors


OMG giiiiirl, you neeeed Love Thing! I am NW15 as you know, and it is my favorite! I got Love Thing, Gentle and Pleasantry

I got all cash gifts for my birthday so I am debating going back for a few more - probably Dainty, Warm Soul and the 181


Well-known member
I bought them all except Merrily . I was afraid it would not look right on my skintone. even though it was soooooo pretty!!! And I said I wasnt going to buy any
!!! I think Mac is sending me brain waves and telling me BUY BUY BUY MORE!!!! Are ya sure theres nothing in the Mac up that enters our brains to buy more. hahahaha Oh well I just love my MAC!!!


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i like how natural mineralize blushes look. i kept wanting to look at myself when i put dainty on (yes, i was being vain. don't hate hahahaaa!)


Well-known member
I wore Warm Soul today with a dab of Merrily on the apples of my cheeks and I am a red blush convert! Gave such a nice flush look without looking too bright.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
Hey Blindpassion

I'm an NW15 and love Dainty, Love Thing <3 so dang pretty!, and Gentle!!

Perhaps check out Love Thing in person and see how it works for you!

Oohh I got Dainty and Love Thing too!! (Though I had to ask a certain lovely spectrette to help me get them and ship them to me)... so we'll see how they go. Glad to see other NW15 girls using it though! I was worried that it may be too dark, after all those comments by NON-NW15 girls on how dark it is lol!

Now... are there any pale girls out there who have tried Merrily? It's just soo gorgeous in the pan...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartangE
I'm looking for help from you lovely, much more knowledgeable Specktra-ettes
So I LOVE my Warm Soul, and as much as I love Gleeful, even when I use my 187 brush to apply it very lightly on my cheeks, it still comes out wayyy too much on my uber-pale skin.

Is there anything I can do? I used my 187 and dabbed it into Gleeful very lightly before putting it on. Should I try my 188 instead and then use a different brush to blend it into my skin? I don't know what to do-I certainly don't want to give up Gleeful!

I'm callin' on all my fellow pale beauties-what do you suggest?

Hmmmm, I used my 188, picked up a small amount of powder and gave it a little tap and I didn't think it looked too dark. I actually had to build it up a little using this method. I don't have the 187 though, so not sure if it'll make a difference or not, but it certainly can't hurt to try!


Well-known member
For your information lovely Specktra citizens, I've posted all 9 MSF blush swatches on the swatch fourm.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by stv578
I wore Warm Soul today with a dab of Merrily on the apples of my cheeks and I am a red blush convert! Gave such a nice flush look without looking too bright.

I love how everyone's been posting up their cheek combos, something not heard of much - 'tis usually all about eyes and lips. Thanks to all who are sharing (sorry, I don't have time to go and find all your posts!) cuz it definitely helps ppl like me trying to figure this blush thing out!

On a side note, I've got quite a collection of blushes for someone still scratching her head about application, lol!


Well-known member
I'm NW15 & my faves were pleasantry, dainty & warm soul, here's some swatches:
I'm NW15 & my faves were pleasantry, dainty & warm soul, here's some swatches:
warm soul (with highlight from new view):

pleasantry on left, dainty on right


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Do any NW15ers have pictures wearing Merrily yet? I am still thinking about this one.
I think I want it, but I'm not sure.

I was too please help us


Well-known member
Lets just say I exchanged my BPB Serenely which I bought back in March for Merrily. lol I don't think I ever touched it either. They are in the same shade family except that Merrily has a lot more shimmer. Merrily just gives the perfect red/rust glow imo.


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