Mac Store Interviews


Well-known member
Hey everyone!
So...does anyone work at a MAC store?
If so, (or even if you don't and you know)...what do they ask for at these interviews in comparison to the counter?
If anyone could help me out in ANY way for MAC store interviews etc., please reply! Thanks everyone



Well-known member
Cause I currently work at a counter and there's super high demand for a not too sure how they're going to filter it you know.


Well-known member
I work at a MAC Store and the interview with my manager was pretty low key. She just asked me what was my experience, what would I do if I were in a situation with an angry customer, what was the most challenging situation I had been in for my previous jobs, what were my qualifications as a Makeup Artist etc.

The regional manager asked me more about sales etc. She wanted to know if I had any sales/retail experience, why did I think I would be good at this job, why should she hire me, what can I bring to MAC, etc.

Also make sure to know MAC History... They will ask you what you know about MAC and be sure to tell them everything.

I didn't have any retail or previous makeup experience beyond doing a little freelance for myself and I was one of two people who made it to the second interview with the regional manager. There were a BUNCH of applicants! Make sure to be upbeat and I also did a small portfolio of my favorite work I had done, that will really help!


Well-known member
I work at a counter and the interview was likewise very low-key. Just think about what you want them to know before you go in there. Also, they may ask you what are your strongest attributes as well as weakest. Most of the time, you will need to bring a model with you and do a full face. Good luck - it's a great place to work. A lot of times, trying to get hired on as a freelancer is a great way to get your foot in the door. Once they know how fabulous they are, they will want you to work there permanently.


Well-known member
So yes!
I'm officially a senior artist for a MAC STORE!
That's right! The interview was so nervewracking, I can't believe i got through it! Thanks for the comments though guys!



Active member
Originally Posted by brokenplaything
So yes!
I'm officially a senior artist for a MAC STORE!
That's right! The interview was so nervewracking, I can't believe i got through it! Thanks for the comments though guys!


Congratulations!!!! :-D :-D :-D


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brokenplaything
So yes!
I'm officially a senior artist for a MAC STORE!
That's right! The interview was so nervewracking, I can't believe i got through it! Thanks for the comments though guys!


congrats!! what was the interview like? what kind of questions did they ask you? really curious.


Well-known member be brutally honest..I can't even remember what I was was so ..what's a good word...other than I was under so much stress that once I left the office I lost all thoughts...I do remember one thing...KNOW YOUR get oddball questions...ingredients, products...just like..not like..OKAY SO NAME 3 INGREDIENTS in this and this...but rather like conversation way ya know...sorta...

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