MAC Tinted Lip Conditioner expiration dates?


Active member
Just curious, does anyone's tinted lip conditioner have expiration dates? I asked my local counter and they didn't have any exp dates on the ones that they carried and another person on MUA also said hers didn't have one but I have a swapper who's wanting to reverse a swap because there's no exp. date. Does MAC have exp. dates on the TLC or only the ones for certain releases? Thanks!


Active member
Do you have any of the pot ones? That's the one that I'm trying to find out if there's an exp. date for...


Well-known member
Oh, no


Well-known member
It doesn't have that little 12 month symbol on it? You know how some products have a pot and either a 6,12 or 24 month symbol to say that it should be used within that timeframe from manufacture date?

I'll check my ones.


Active member
Hmmm I don't think so...It was sent in a swap and the other person said that a different one that they own has a date on it (not just months I'm assuming but an actual date?). I wasn't sure, so I thought I'd ask you guys....My local counter said that they dont have dates on now, I'm not so sure.


Well-known member
I do have a BNIB Aquamelon that has 2007 stamped on it. When you say 'actual date', do you mean the month as in Mar 2006 for example?


Well-known member
none of mine have a date stamped on them(1 miss bunny, 1 coquettish clarice, and 2 untinted).


Well-known member
I should add that I bought all of mine from regular MAC counters(or directly from the MAC website), too.

Maybe they're just inconsistent about it.


Well-known member
My Aquamelon does - Jan 2008.... But in saying that it's wearing off, as well as the rest of the stuff on the sticker.


Active member
Ladies with exp. dates are you located in the US or Canada? It seems like a lot of people that I've asked in the states say that they haven't found an exp date on theirs, but it looks like maybe Canadian ones do?


Well-known member
Im in Canada. I've got the expiry date on both my TLC's (Tempting Tillie and Miss Bunny)


Well-known member
I'm in the States:

None of my TLC's have a expiration date on them. What they do have is the manufacture date code thing that they have on pigments-

SPF 15- A45
Daisy Daze- A95
Tempting Tillie- B95


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nakobear
Ladies with exp. dates are you located in the US or Canada? It seems like a lot of people that I've asked in the states say that they haven't found an exp date on theirs, but it looks like maybe Canadian ones do?

I think you may be onto something there. Canada is fussy about its expiry dates. They're plastered on everything.