MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Originally Posted by lil_kismet
Interesting... I was just at MAC at the Bay on Granville this morning (May 27, around 10:45am) and she told me she had 2 ML left. I wonder how those 2 became available? Hmmm

haha i was there around 12ish today and they guy was like ohh we have a ton left it just got released today, then he went to go and get it and i got the last one ..


Well-known member
I know there are mixed feelings for ML (we either love it or think it's "meh")-- I'm NC25 so when the MA first put it on yesterday, it looked pretty intense but I still got it because I can't pass up coral/pink/peachy colors. This morning I put it on with the 187... and my hubby (typical man's man kinda guy) looked at me as I left and commented on my make up and asked what I did differently!


My haul:

Marine Life
Life's a Breeze
Easy Lounger l/g
Flurry of Fun l/g

Beach Bound
131 brush


(side note: i saw on evil-bay that a seller had 7 Marine Lifes to sell!!)


Well-known member
Damnit, all this talk of Lazy Day is making me want it now!
I only have Creme Cup for a cooler pink lipstick; are they at all similar?


Well-known member
Who has managed to B2M for this collection? The mac store at the Eaton Centre wouldn't let me, but it was very fishy. The girl I asked said she had to check, then she asked another girl, who said it's totally fine. Then she went in the back, and came back and told me no. I asked why, when the other girl said it was fine, and she said her manager said no. I don't believe her.

I couldn't do B2M either with this collection. SA said their new policy is that I would have to wait for 2 weeks if I want anything from new collection but I can always get permanent l/s.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monter
Okay, I'm almost definitely getting Easy Lounger now. Possibly Thrills, too. And maybe Rosemary and Thyme (in the pretty packaging - why not?)

I did a quick look with Amber Lights on the inner 2/3 of the lid, Firecracker in the outer 1/3 and blended into the crease, and Float on By on the lower waterline (and cheap Wet 'n Wild black liner on the upper lashline
). I.LOVE.Firecracker. It's like a baby from a Paradisco+Passionate+Cranberry threesome, and doesn't have any of the problems I have with those shadows (great color payoff, easy to blend, not TOO bright).

Five hours later and FoB has almost completely disappeared from my waterline, but it didn't smudge or migrate - just disappeared.
I'm not surprised though; liners NEVER stay put on my waterline.

Tomorrow will be a Sweet & Punchy look.
But should I pair it with Firecracker or Humid? Decisions, decisions...

My MA wore S&P and Humid together today


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miribre
I couldn't do B2M either with this collection. SA said their new policy is that I would have to wait for 2 weeks if I want anything from new collection but I can always get permanent l/s.

I did. My MA (the counter manager) said she didn't think she was supposed to since it was in special packaging, but since she hadn't heard anything official yet (I went in right at 10 a.m.), she'd go ahead and let me. She's awesome.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
You're too kind Karin! BLah on the lovely....wish it was...but here it goes
Got the pics to upload. Excuse the hair.....I have it up and it's all messed up from as hell here and half my foundation as worn off since 8am
. Also please excuse the blemishes on my jaw. I dont know why they started...bastard things! LOL Oh and the l/s is worn off too....ate lunch and drank down a Dr Pepper



I love love this eye look!!


Well-known member
Ok you guys, help me! I'm debating whether I want to keep Sand & Sun (which I bought today unexpectedly) or exchange it for a backup Thrills... I've been dying to get my hands on Thrills forever now. I think it's gorgeous... And it might be good to have a backup.. But I already have one on the way that I'll be getting in the mail tomorrow.

And now I'm broke so no more going crazy and just getting everything I want


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleMaryJane
Ok you guys, help me! I'm debating whether I want to keep Sand & Sun (which I bought today unexpectedly) or exchange it for a backup Thrills... I've been dying to get my hands on Thrills forever now. I think it's gorgeous... And it might be good to have a backup.. But I already have one on the way that I'll be getting in the mail tomorrow.

And now I'm broke so no more going crazy and just getting everything I want

I know how you feel about being broke, lol.
I'd keep sand & sun, unless you love thrills that much and you're positive you'll need another one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monter
I.LOVE.Firecracker. It's like a baby from a Paradisco+Passionate+Cranberry threesome, and doesn't have any of the problems I have with those shadows (great color payoff, easy to blend, not TOO bright).


That sounds amazing! Paradisco and Cranberry are two of my favorites, and I've always loved Passionate... now I can't wait for Firecracker. It's like I have a new favorite to look forward to every time I check this thread!


Well-known member
Thank you Vanillacupcake

I found this vid and according to them pretty much nothing is worthwhile getting in the collex....except the lustre drops! I think it's funny they have dont know the names of most of the e/s and was quite surprised they said that Sweet & Punchy which again they didnt name and Firecracker "the orange one" were easy to find something like it!

YouTube - Spend or Save? MAC To The Beach Collection


Well-known member
Originally Posted by genduk26
i have MUFE HD Blush #8. it's neutral pink. While ML is bright coral & light pale pink. when i mix ML together is coral pink. IMO, MUFE HD blush #8 couldn't dupe for ML.

thanks, when i saw swatches, #8 looked close to me. i know there is some type of dupe out there. still searching


Well-known member
Originally Posted by genduk26
+ 2

so i went to my macy's today to get the brushes .... and maybe ML. i got there @ 10.05. i looked at ML & thought this is good as eyeshadow. by 10.15 i got the brushes & 1 ML. there was a lady behind me asked for 5 ML... the MA opened the drawer. this lady saw around 20 ML in that drawer. then she wanted all of it.
the MA said some were pre-order... so she bought 12 ML.
i left the counter right away.

That is soo effin greedy!That makes me so damn mad.My friend MA at my counter,would have said,no way I'm not playin that!She would not let anybody get that many of anything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by genduk26
+ 2

so i went to my macy's today to get the brushes .... and maybe ML. i got there @ 10.05. i looked at ML & thought this is good as eyeshadow. by 10.15 i got the brushes & 1 ML. there was a lady behind me asked for 5 ML... the MA opened the drawer. this lady saw around 20 ML in that drawer. then she wanted all of it.
the MA said some were pre-order... so she bought 12 ML.
i left the counter right away.

That makes me so mad and should be against the rules.

Originally Posted by January
Maybe the lady that bought 12 ML's was doing CP's?? Not likely... but just trying to think of a positive to that. Either way - that's crazy

I sure hope so! Otherwise that really makes me mad!

Originally Posted by Sass
Another thing. I do not want to mess up my ML. LOL! Anybody else feeling like this?? I keep looking at it and want to just put my brush in, but I can't...I wonder how long this feeling is going to last.

I did feel like this when I first got it. It was just too pretty to take the overspray off of it!

Originally Posted by aeroerin
Yay! I'm not alone! haha I named mine Guillermo.
My sister was saying "Name him Sebastian!" and I said "IT'S NOT A CRAB!" haha I love all the names so far! Ariel is very fitting
And I adore the name Eugene for a makeup seahorse! (wow, possibly the weirdest sentence I've ever typed. ever.)

I love it! I think I am going to name mine Olive because of the green packaging.
Don't ask me why but that is the first thing that came to my mind!

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I have to comment on Float on By too... when I got home this morning, I swatched everything I had gotten on my hand to show my hubby. When I went to wash it off, I had to scrub my hand (with a nail brush) to get FoB to come off. There is still slight evidence of it on my hand and I have washed my hands several times today. It's definately not smudgy on me...

Now that I hear that it doesn't smudge I am going to have to get this. It is totally a color that I can't pass up.

Originally Posted by elegant-one
we would be rich - & then buy more makeup


I am missing so much of this thread while I am at work! Boo! I have had to work so many days in a row including last weekend due to a proposal. I can't wait for the long weekend to finally really do some cool looks with this collection.

Now I think I need lazy day lipstick too because of elegant. You are such an enabler but that is what I love about you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
Thank you Vanillacupcake

I found this vid and according to them pretty much nothing is worthwhile getting in the collex....except the lustre drops! I think it's funny they have dont know the names of most of the e/s and was quite surprised they said that Sweet & Punchy which again they didnt name and Firecracker "the orange one" were easy to find something like it!

YouTube - Spend or Save? MAC To The Beach Collection

LOL @ that video. It's funny for so many reasons. A) No MAC-aholic on Speckra is going to pass up Sweet & Punchy because they have a sort-of-kind-of lime green in their Costal Scents palette. LMAO! Sure I passed on S&P but its because I already have Eye Popping and Rated-R and many Spectralities have both of those (and Sour Lemon) and still want/got S&P.
And B) Are they sharing makeup? Everything is "We have this" and "She got Golden, but I am darker and wasn't sure it would work on me" - So why didn't you get Refined Golden for yourself? And C) Their pronunciation of papier was cute/funny esp. because the brunette knew it was wrong and kind of mumbled it anyway.

Anyway, I woke up this morning later than I expected because the power had cut off in the middle of the night and my alarm didn't go off and my first thought was "Oh no! What about Marine Life!" so I called my MAC counter and had one held for me, but when I got there hours later it was still on the display. Now I am wondering if I should have gotten a back up. This site is so enabling!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ButterflyDior77
I ordered:
Marine Life, Lazy Day, Splashing, To the Beach Bronze Body Oil, and Hipness blush.

I was wondering if "Lazy day" is similar to "Nude Rose" from DSquared collection? I never got to get that, and someone on youtube said it was.

Also I am NC20, and am thinking about one of the cream bronzers...Should I go with the lighter one? Someone said they are both really sheer. Oh, and are the cream bronzers worth it?

Angel is almost an exact dupe for Lazy Day except it's more pigmented as a frost formula in my opinion. I swatch them side by side again today. Angel took one swipe for the color to show up while Lazy Day takes about 2-3 b/c of the Lustre formula.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Ahhh, I just got my Lazy Day ls (cause I forgot to add 2 to my first order)

Its so BEAUTIFUL on!!!
I think its my fave natural pink lips lipstick ever!

i just ordered a 3rd

Lazy Day is beautiful! I am glad I got it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
Since people are already starting to price gouge on ML I decided to go to my local MAC store and purchase the last three they had in stock. If you did not get one please send me a PM. I am selling these for exactly what it cost me and what it cost to ship to you. If you are planning to buy these and resell them at a higher price please don't contact me for that. I didn't drive and hour and a half to participate in something like that. I missed out on ripe peach so I know how it feels not to get something you really want.


It is a great idea to organize CPs for Marine Life here! Everyone should get it for a normal MAC price.


Well-known member
I think I'm regretting for not getting firecracker

I can't be bothered to go back to the store..
Just wondering.... Does anybody have extra firecracker they want to sell?

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