MAC UK communication is rubbish


Well-known member
Just an observation, I've signed up at and in the Selfridges store and the pro Store for emails and advertisements, promo things etc but in the past 9 months I've received one email stating that 3D was out and that was about two or three weeks after it was already in the shop!

I never get a notification when the new collections are out even though I've signed up for it, thank god for this site and others with people sharing the information.

I recently went to Selfridges to see if they still had some Novel Twist (it was a long shot) and discovered that they had Smoke Signals and Blue Storm on display even though it hadn't been launched officially in the UK yet. This is the kind of thing I would like to be informed about! Same thing happened with Barbie, just by a fluke I happened to be in Selfridges and passed the counter and asked if I wanted a make-over on the Barbie official Launch day.


Well-known member
I find that they tend to send the email after the collection's been released when I do get them. Not had a mailer since last xmas.

I ring the Pro store and they let me know when new collections arrive they are alot more clued up than their customer services dept.


Well-known member
It is complete crap, I have never received anything in the mail before and a few emails. The emails only come about a week later and if that.


Well-known member
This isn't only a problem i UK.. Im from Denmark and it's the same thing here.. i have to call the pro store and ask if the collections are arrived. they don't ever know the excact date for the releases in denmark and they been sold out for months of some products i need. They say that it's their shipping that's the problem it comes from holland and they never know if they get all the things they ordered :-( it sucks BIGTIME


Well-known member
I don't know if they SAs are like this in the US but in the UK i've noticed that they rarely now know anything about the collections when they are at the counter ie. the names of the colours etc or even what a beauty powder or an MSF is!


Well-known member
i always get emails the only problem i had was the 3D lipglasses - they sent me the email like 2 weeks after it came out. everything else is perfectly fine


Well-known member
Like most people here, I'm usually waiting for new collections to come out and regularly checking and Specktra, so it doesn't make all that much difference to me that I seldom get an e-mail until collections are a couple of weeks old. However, it seems so hit and miss that I wonder why they bother and it must be a real missed opportunity for communicating with less obsessed potential customers. :confused:

I haven't had anything mailed to me since Lure came out, but I was peeved when my mum got the little compact-style Barbie mailer!

Another thing I find odd is that *every* time I give my details at a store or counter, they say, "no, we don't have you on here - what's your name and address?" Before there was the UK website, I ordered from mail order every month or so and only *once* did they actually seem to already have my details. I have no idea what was going on with that!


Active member
I agree with most of the above comments- by the time I receive an email I've usually gone to a counter and bought what I wanted. I've never received anything through the post (if that's what people are talking about when they say a mailer) despite being signed up since January.


Well-known member
MAC's communication is inconsistent in the US as well. Speaking as a customer and a former employee, I think their communication is lacking in both areas.

Thank God for Specktra, eh?


Well-known member
I got an email last week, after Smoke Signals was already out in the store for about two weeks. I wrote back saying why do I get these after the products are already in store? They replied asking if I was signed up for the UK email.

I didn't even bother replying because I had responded to a UK email so DUH!

Yes thanks for spektra and MUA etc. because the UK website often does not have products up even though you can go to Selfridges and buy them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NoAddedSugar
I don't know if they SAs are like this in the US but in the UK i've noticed that they rarely now know anything about the collections when they are at the counter ie. the names of the colours etc or even what a beauty powder or an MSF is!

aw thats crap u dont receive emails. i always get the emails on the thurs collection comes out but never letters through the post.

and one time i asked for firespot e/s and the sa was like 'firespot? is that a lipstick?' he had to ask the other sa what it was and the woman sa says 'i think its the new e/s'... i was like geez im so much more clued up than you!


Well-known member
I find Specktra waaaay more helpful, Mac send me emails but I would've already known about the collection. I wish we could get the collections the same time as the US, we're like a month behind.

I also found it strange that Selfridges MAC in London had the Balloonacy collection but their PRO store in Soho didnt!!?????????!!!