I have to search for another Dr, but sometimes it takes months to get in. They usually try to move appointments around to get me in sooner since I'm high risk, but just having to wait longer between the last appt to the next scares me because I've had a migraine since March 26th, nonstop. I mean I know I suffered severe trauma, but I'm practically useless 4-5 days out of the week. My list for this collection is Golden Rinse Washeteria Tumble Dry I wish I could get the 125 brush, but I have to watch my money right now. I should've stayed home, but I really thought I was going to find a good Dr because the hospital I went to is known for having good neurologists. My headaches are from a brain aneurysm I had in March, they had to run a coil up into the aneurysm to keep it from filling up with blood anymore. Picture filling a balloon with water and then running a string into the balloon until the balloon is filled with string instead of water. That's the blood vessel in my head, it bubbled out and filled with blood so they had to fill it with a coil so the blood doesn't cause it to bubble out any further. The surgery was nothing compared to the headaches I've had ever since then.