MAC wipes dupes ?!


Well-known member
MAC wipes are the boooomb , there's so much product in them and they really wipe off everythaaaang ! i bought some from Neutrogena today and they 're not all that ! my face is itching from rubbing too hard now .


Well-known member
I use the kirkland brand from costco and find they work awesome! Plus they are super super cheap!


Well-known member
^^ I just buy the generic brand at Target and they work very well for me. Not sure about the "wetness factor" compared to MAC Wipes.


Well-known member
I occationally use EQUATE Facial Cleaning Towelettes from Walmart. The reason I like them is they have a smooth and textured side. As for the wetness factor storing your wipes upside down will help.


Well-known member
I've never tried Mac Wipes, but I love Target's brand of Ponds Wipes. I assume the Ponds would be just as good. They are super wet, and take everything off. I store them upside down to ensure they stay very moist. I've used baby wipes on my face before, and my face did not appreciate it.


Well-known member
When I'm out of MAC wipes($) I get Pond's Wipes but it doesn't even comes close to a MAC wipe because it's not as moisten...I don't think that there is a dupe out there yet for that... =(


Well-known member
Urbandoll -- like you, I love MAC wipes.

I (& my sister) have tried the Target's brand of pond's wipes, Walgreen's brand of pond's wipes and the actual pond's wipes -- none of them compare to MAC as far as removing makeup. I would still have to rinse my face after wiping since it felt like a greasy film.

Now I have NOT tried baby wipes and I do have a Costco membership. So I'll give that a go.

But for now, I haven't been able to find a dupe for MAC wipes **sigh**


Well-known member
ok so i returned my Neutrogena ones and got Garraud Paris wipes. The reason I took them was because the package was soooo heavy like , there's no waaay these babies couldn't be loaded with cleasing product , and guess what they are ! Not cheap though , $11.99 CDN for 25 . I could have gotten 100 MAC wipes for $31 CDN but the drugstore where i got the Neutrogena wipes only allowed me to do an exchange ... oh well .


Well-known member
i must be alone. i do not like MAC wipes at all. can't stand the smell & it always feels like there's a film left on my skin.

i use Ponds wipes and love them! super moist & not expensive at all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadorepretty
i must be alone. i do not like MAC wipes at all. can't stand the smell & it always feels like there's a film left on my skin.

i use Ponds wipes and love them! super moist & not expensive at all.

I'm not fond of MAC wipes either and for a very simple reason. THE SMELL. I really dont like it.


Well-known member
EQUATE like someone said is amazing! They have refillables, 120 wipes for $10 (CAD too so in the states it's probably a few dollars cheaper). They get all my makeup off and the scent is great


Well-known member
I use the maybelline ones and really like those . I wear lots of black eyeliner and mascara and this seems to remove it all.


you could use a cleansing water on a cotton pad. i've used wet cloths before and sometimes if it's not sealed tightly, it dries out and all the cloths become useless.


Well-known member
I buy the CVS makeup remover wipes. They're like $5.99 for a pk of 30. Every few wks they have them BOGO 1/2 off.


Well-known member
I love Neutrogena Night wipes. I love the smell. I also love the smell of the MAC wipes-- I think they smell fresh. I did the math and the MAC wipes if bought in bulk are actually cheaper per sheet than Neutrogena.


Well-known member
I use Johnson & Johnson wipes! They have 3 different kinds : Normal, Dry & sensitive skin. I use the sensitive skin one! :) I think it's $16 for 3 packs of 25 wipes it in Aus! :)

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