MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I feel so bad for you! I just hate it when crap like that happens, especially for a collection like this. I hope MAC gets it corrected ASAP!
I hope it gets all sorted out, too! Ronnie Red and Betty Bright are the most worrisome absentees. I'm hoping that there's a resolution to where I get the items I originally wanted and paid for, plus compensation would be nice. This is a headache, especially after being patient for UPS to deliver to the West Coast from their Kentucky warehouse.


Well-known member
So sorry this happened PurpleSparkles & KMQE17---it sound like a big rush with too few people to get the job done----and then mistakes (crap like this) happen

One of my orders was missing two items and they told me the EXACT same thing bc of it being "limited edition" they had to make sure they had the count to send it back. i just told them to refund me.


Well-known member
Cherry or Redd lip-liner for Ronnie Red?
Good question. I wore Beet with mine... but thats only because thats the only red liner I have.
Either, but cherry will keep it looking more red.
Forgive me if this has been covered, but I've been away for a while writing a book. I bought Betty Bright and Girl Next Door. I want Ronnie Red, but I'm concerned that it's too similar to Moxie. Can anyone swatch them for comparison, please? :)
No worries. It's NOWHERE NEAR moxie. :nope:
I tried on Ronnie Red inside the Macys and it looked nice... but after purchasing, when I walked outside, my lips pulled magenta on me.  So off to the Clearance Bin! 
Yes, i heard about your visit today :nono:
Did anyone else notice the inside tabs of the archies girl packaging none of it says back 2 mac like it usually does.can you not back 2 mac special packaging anymore?
You can B2M it. :nods:


Well-known member
sorry if this has already been mentioned in this thread, but is there a preferred brush for application of the pearlmattes? should it be a kinda fluffy brush (eg 116) or dense (eg 109)?


Well-known member
yup, exactly!! LOL What brush are you using it with? Where do you put it?
MAC 130 or NARS Yaychio (for lighter application). Typical highlighter places--top of cheek bones, extending around the outer eye in a 'C'. Sometimes the bridge of my nose & cupid's bow.


Well-known member
Hey erine1881 thanks for the tip of exfoliating with a toothbrush and then using TT. Worked great today with BB. I also used my lanolin for night on my lips. Definetly keeping my betty bright now,but not so sure about he BU I ordered. What lipliners are people using with BB


Well-known member
Now I want RR, Strawberry Malt and Caramel Sundae....I thought this was supposed to be a skip lol
I actually had all the MM lippies at one point. So happy I let them go. It seems RR is now and might just be my HG. The only other red lippies I have are viva glam 1 Apres chic ad now RR. Happy with these!


Well-known member
I used the 188 with mine - it was perfect.
thanks! i don't have the 188, but i do have the 187...i guess i'll use that. it might be a little too big, so maybe i should use the 130, though it's definitely denser...
(please don't tell me i need to buy another brush....)


Well-known member
I'm so bummed. I planned on going back to the mall this weekend and testing out a few more things from the collection and return this RR that was accidently charged and put in my bag but I may have to put that all on hold till after this big storm:(
it's ok. that means others won't make it out in the storm either.


Well-known member
The only other red lippies I have are viva glam 1 Apres chic ad now RR. Happy with these!
It's pretty amazing! I still like my MM lippies and will be holding on to those for dear life lol

Just don't want the dreaded skipper's remorse, so I will definitely be looking out for a restock. It leans more pink on me than I would like, but it's beautiful! I swatched it next to Love Goddess and there is only a slight difference. I would describe it as Ruby Woo's pink sister