MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
....RR looks STUNNING on you all
I agree!!! Just gorgeous


Well-known member
I'm going to my MAC event today at Macys. Yay for makeovers. Hubs and I went to dinner last night so tonight is going to be a nice calm evening. :)
Not exactly Archie's girls inspired but still nice anyway. Was hoping they would have had planned makeovers but instead they asked how you like your makeup and did a look you Iike. At least she used the eye liner from the collection.



Well-known member
Also... When I was at my pro store yesterday I was talking to the manager and he told me that they're not getting the collections a week early anymore. What!?! That's a bummer.


Well-known member
Not exactly Archie's girls inspired but still nice anyway. Was hoping they would have had planned makeovers but instead they asked how you like your makeup and did a look you Iike. At least she used the eye liner from the collection. :amused:
This look looks really pretty on you! Do you know what lipstick they used?


Well-known member
Like I need another thing to buy -_- lol I already want to buy their weird kabuki brush for shading and try laura mercier setting powder
The NARS Light Reflecting Powder is a setting powder. They have both pressed and loose. I'm thinking of ordering one thanks to elegant-one.


Well-known member
Really? People have been raving about the laura mercier setting powder so I thought I'd try it. I've never used setting powder lol so I don't know anything about them.
The NARS Light Reflecting Powder is a setting powder. They have both pressed and loose. I'm thinking of ordering one thanks to elegant-one.
I skipped Ronnie red I don't wear my reds too often as it is but it looks beautiful on all you ladies!!


Well-known member
Not exactly Archie's girls inspired but still nice anyway. Was hoping they would have had planned makeovers but instead they asked how you like your makeup and did a look you Iike. At least she used the eye liner from the collection.

Every look is just gorgeous on you Stephy. You remind me so much of Linda Cardellini, has anyone ever told you that?


Well-known member
Not exactly Archie's girls inspired but still nice anyway. Was hoping they would have had planned makeovers but instead they asked how you like your makeup and did a look you Iike. At least she used the eye liner from the collection.

LOVE LOVE your makeup, SuperCoolSteph! Beautiful!! Oh, and your skin is amazing!


Well-known member
Thanks so much Elegant

Can't wait to see GlamQueen!

Ahhh, I'm from Trinidad too!!!!! Quarry Rd, San Juan....hello fellow Trini!!! Moved when I was 8, but still go back all the time since most of my family is there.

It gives it a deeper almost wine colored red, the pic doesn't really do it justice.

Haha, I'm resisting during my no-buy.

Thank you!

Every look is just gorgeous on you Stephy. You remind me so much of Linda Cardellini, has anyone ever told you that?
Macncheese, that is one gorgeous red on you, girl! Great pop for Valentine's Day! You look amazing!

Hope everyone had a fabulous V-Day!


Well-known member
Every look is just gorgeous on you Stephy. You remind me so much of Linda Cardellini, has anyone ever told you that?

Aww thanks! No... I've never gotten that. I get Amy Adams, Reese Witherspoon (when I'm thinner) and Jenna Fischer from The Office. But I love Linda Cardellini so I'll take it. :)


Well-known member
LOVE LOVE your makeup, SuperCoolSteph! Beautiful!! Oh, and your skin is amazing!
Thanks. My skin really isn't that great. Major breakouts and pigmentation's from my breakouts lately so its all makeup that's making it look good. ha. But she used Studio Fix in NC15 but it looked super makeup-y so I was a little hesitant to buy it. The manager at the freestanding store was telling me I need to try the mineralized foundation that's out next month. So I might try that. :)


Well-known member
i finally got the second part of my order and i'm so excited!! loved keeping up with the thread whilst I was waiting...i'm from Trinidad and the collection launches in March here but I could not wait so i stalked and stalked and ordered online and finally everything is here

I got:
Lipsticks: Daddy's Little Girl, Ronnie Red , Boyfriend Stealer, and Oh Oh Oh,
Flatter Me Pearlmatte,
Prom Princess Blush,
Lipglasses: Strawberry Malt, Kiss and Don't Tell,
Brush Set
and well a Party Parrot lipstick which has never been released in a collection in Trinidad so i'm super excited about this...

But Ronnie Red is amazing and the formula is great so far!! I def will be looking into getting a BU when the collection is released here :D

ohh first picture post as well...I was content to be a lurker for a while !
Nice hauls! What are you going to try first???

You guys all posting how beautiful you are looking with Ronnie Red have me trolling on evil bay. Since I don't really want to feed the scalpers there, talk me down and tell me its dupeable. Otherwise I am going to give in. And I have a feeling I am getting that NARS powder too, I will just tell them to send the bill to Elegant-One since I blame her for the lemming...


Well-known member
Nice hauls! What are you going to try first???

You guys all posting how beautiful you are looking with Ronnie Red have me trolling on evil bay. Since I don't really want to feed the scalpers there, talk me down and tell me its dupeable. Otherwise I am going to give in. And I have a feeling I am getting that NARS powder too, I will just tell them to send the bill to Elegant-One since I blame her for the lemming...
I personally think it's rather dupeable for a lipstick. The Mac permanent line is overlooked in favor of the LE items. I tested Mac Red next to it and couldn't tell the difference, but it may also be due to my undertone. It's a pretty color and looks beautiful on everyone on here, so it just depends if you want something LE or not. I chose to skip RR, but I may be looking out for BB if it's restocked, because I have nothing like it in my stash! Mac releases so many lipsticks a year also.

Can't talk you down with the Nars powder though. It's amazing!! lol
My Strawberry Malt is out for delivery today!


Well-known member
The only good thing about living in Europe and getting this collection in March is that i had time to think and see more swatches and i have finally made a list of goodies that i really want and need
.yes i said need. i'm getting BB,DLG,PP,Veronica's Blush.and that's it.maybe K&DT.and mayyyybe CS.I'm not getting MM.nope.noooooo.neither Flatter me.noooooooo.

Why can't we get the collection NOW???WHYYYYYY??


Well-known member
The only good thing about living in Europe and getting this collection in March is that i had time to think and see more swatches and i have finally made a list of goodies that i really want and need
.yes i said need. i'm getting BB,DLG,PP,Veronica's Blush.and that's it.maybe K&DT.and mayyyybe CS.I'm not getting MM.nope.noooooo.neither Flatter me.noooooooo.
Why can't we  get the collection NOW???WHYYYYYY??
I agree, I would've bought way more! My list keeps changing but it's now: Boyfriend Stealer l/s Flatter Me pfp Cream Soda blush But I'm going to skip FM or CS, still not sure which one though. Luckily, I've still got 2 weeks or so to make my decision. :)