

Well-known member
I depotted 4 eyeshadows today {only managed to cause a lil dent in one e/s and first time depotting!!} and i forgot to buy some magnets to put under them for my pallette, where can i buy cheap ones that will do the job..

i came across these but they're £7.99 for 15!

any help? tried ebay but cnt find anything!!


Well-known member
I use regular ol' flat magnets like the ones that businesses use for advertising (business cards, store location, etc) and cut them up


Well-known member
I depotted a bunch of them yesterday as well. I went to the dollar store and bought a long roll of self-adhesive magnet for of course, one dollar.


Well-known member
Yeh dont by em on the internet. You'll pay more in shipping than you pay for the actual magnets. Just go to an arts n crafts store.


Well-known member
oh ok we have a pound store here lol so i might try that and see if not i'll find some craft stores


Well-known member
Magnetic sheet is much more difficult to find here in the UK than in the US and Canada. Businesses tend not to use fridge magnets to advertise and I've yet to find a crafts store that sells magnetic sheet.

I did come across this though -

I'd reckon the 0.8mm sheet would be the best. You'd need to cut it yourself but £9.99 (including postage and packing) would get you about 450 magnets 20mm x 20mm.


Well-known member
Lalli any luck? i got mine about a year ago from ebay- 100 for £4 or something and im nearly all out and on the look out for more too, ive even tried the pound shop!


Well-known member
I found photo fronts from a store in holland called: Blokker.
They sells this photo magnets to like stick to your frigde for 1,99 euro. That's pretty cheap for here
. I cut them up and its sticky to if you remove the colorlayer on it.


Well-known member
grrrrr now I cant get any - I did have some magnetic inkjet paper but that isnt strong enough!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Philosopher
Lalli any luck? i got mine about a year ago from ebay- 100 for £4 or something and im nearly all out and on the look out for more too, ive even tried the pound shop!

I got some on ebay! for 99p! lil square sheets with a sticky back to them and I just used that.. i'll pm u the link

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