Make-up Application in the WINTER!


Well-known member
Lately, I've been noticing how my foundation/concealer/powder doesn't blend as well as it used to in the summer. When I put my makeup on in the mornings, it kind of just sits there. I know it's due to the temperature change because when it gets a little warmer, or I apply later in the day, it blends fine. Any tips for applying make-up when it's cold? Maybe invest in a heater?


Well-known member
Oh yes. Heaters are wonderful. And if you don't have one, invest in a hairdryer with a base that lets it stand alone. Those suckers come in handy.


Well-known member
Another suggestion: warm up foundation on the back of your hand before applying it to your face. Put a bit of foundation (stick or liquid) on the back of one hand. Take your fingers or brush, and swirl the makeup to warm it up, then apply to face. Works well with cream blushes, paints, CCB's, etc. A good trick for concealer too.

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