Make-up Demo Sanitation procedure question..


Well-known member
I know most of the sanitation procedures, but as far as lipsticks go- I know I have to dip in alcohol, wipe on a tissue, dip again- but I do i hold it upside down until it dries or can I wipe it on a tissue again?

Lastly, after sanitizing the lipstick, can I use a lipbrush and work off that or do I have to break off a piece of the lipstick onto the petri dish?


Well-known member
I was told that after you dip it you can hold it upside down and wipe it (across a clean tissue, not swirling a tissue around don't want it to take the shape of a bullet.) then we scrape a little off with a spatula and put it on the petri dish. They shouldn't expect you to know their policies on sanitation, so if you have questions once you get started, I think it is ok to ask. In fact, at mine, they had someone tell me when I began how to sanitize everything and to ask if I forgot or had questions! Good luck!


Well-known member
You should dip, and wipe it upside down (this is important cause the alcohol can trickle down and break the lipstick eventually...also do this with the shadesticks cause the alcohol can get into the clients eye and burn to death)


Well-known member
all of the above, especially the part of breaking a piece off with a spatula and putting in the petrie dish, you have to try and get yourself used to that, cause it is something you dont think on doing, You have to really remember it!


Well-known member
thank you for your responces! and does the same go for fluidline? scoop out a little pit onto the petri, and work off that with the brush? im thinking the answer is yes


Well-known member
Yes maam! any kind of cream (but not shadesticks), you will do that tech, lip conditioner, moistureblend, etc. Anything in cream pencil form, just wipe, dip, and wipe!

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