MAke-up for a VERY important night!


New member
Okay , First of all Hi everyone!
My name Is Kimie and I'm having some serious issues!
I'm going on my first REAL date to THE most expensive restaurant in my city with my boyfriend of Two and a half years and I'm wearing this ensemble:


What make-up do I do!?!?!!?!?
If you know of a tutorial for some makeup that would look STUNNING please tell me!


Well-known member
Cute outfit! I can't think of anything right now, but you might get more help if you post this in the recommendations forum, a lot of people will have great ideas!


Well-known member
Ooh, yes, a smokey eye would be great! If you're still honing your skills, maybe go for an understated glam look with winged eyeliner, nude shadow, rosy cheeks, and a bold lip color.