Make-up Storage


Active member
Wasn't sure which bit to post this under!

I've now got quite a lot of make-up and really don't know how to store it all.

I have a wooden box from Ikea with 6 draws in it which sits on the window sill but this is just not big enough.

How do you guys store your make-up/cosmetics?

Pictures would be fantastic if you have any!! (I also love looking at peoples make-up collections - hehe!!)


Well-known member
BTW, I keep foundations in the fridge. Keep a small amount handy, and preserve the rest. Extends life of product up to 2 years.


Well-known member
i use tackle boxes
i picked up two tackleboxes from Wallmart for $6 each and i keep the stuff i use less often in one and the stuf fi use more often in the other.,1.0,0.0,0

they have bigger ones too, which i should have gotten, thinking back on it now as my tackle boxes overflow! Walmart only had that small one and a ginormous one in stock tho and if i'd looked at the website (, i'd have ordered a meduim one (or two!).


Well-known member
To keep air out, I use good old Ziplock bags (push the air out before closing) and then put that makeup gently in a Rubbermaid bin. Keep makeup out of heat, light, and humidity and it will be usable longer.


like eowyn, I use a tackle box too - just a small one for now, though I'm in need of a bigger one with the more makeup I buy!

Really, tackle boxes aren't all that pretty but they do the job! I like the little compartments and everything, too.


Active member
Thank you all for you help! Think I will have to invest in some of those Sterilite storage bins.

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