Make your own quad


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madkitty
What colour combos do you love and think they look fab together????

Thank you for posting this thread. I was thinking about starting a thread on this very topic. I'm ordering 3 of the 4/shadow palettes so that I can depot my shadows and fill the quads with coordinating colors.....So, now I don't have to think too hard about what works with what....Thanks for the posts everyone!!

These are great combos....


Well-known member
Shroom, Woodwinked, Concrete (for brows and liner), Mylar for highlight...I wear neutral eyes most of the time!



Well-known member
gladabout, amberlights, antiqued, ricepaper


b-rich, deep truth, honesty and elite


Well-known member
shroom, contrast, belle azure and black tied

i would have also loved a lure/sweetie cake styled one with
mancatcher, aquavert, almond icing and waternymph.


Well-known member
Shroom, Coquette (can do double duty for brows), botanical, Sketch.

if you don't have Botanical than substitute coco pigment pressed or satin taupe e/s.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
im getting an empty quad for xmas and it'll have various colours in it but for me it would be..

Swimming, Sweet Lust, Aquadisiac and Honesty