Makeup Counter Rudeness - I couldn't BELIEVE this lady!


Well-known member
I don't know if this is in the right forum. Please move if it's not in the right place.

So I was getting a small interview done by the manager of the MAC counter in my Macy's (BTW, yes, she is scedualing me for a demo interview at a store, not there because they do not have an open full time position, she's really sweet too
) but I was walking around at first, and one of the MA's I know was doing a lady's face for her and was working his butt off because the counter was being slammed by customers. So he waved to me and told me good luck and I went to walk around Macy's with the manager.

When I finished I came back to the counter to buy some wipes and a 3D gloss, I figured I would want one because it is LE. So anyways, I was playing around, while the MA I know was still doing this lady's face, and when he finished, I was near him and the lady looked very very happy with her face. I guess she had scedualed a makeover because of something she said that I can't remember. Then he told her she could look around and see what she liked from the items he used and also showed her the new collections. Then he told her he would be around and to come up to him when she was ready and went up to a few girls and asked them if they needed any help and then to another lady and finally said hello to me and asked how it went. I told him it was good and that I was getting a demo and he told me he was really happy for me. Then, this lady walked right up to him and said "Exccuuuuseeee me! But I would like this." and she pointing to the lipstick rack. He asked her which one and then she told him "Oh geez! Have you not been listening to me!?" then she stormed out, knocking down some eyeshadows with her purse along the way and breaking them.

I was SO MAD! I helped my MA pick up the eyeshadows and place them on the counter again. He looked so hurt, and he worked really hard on her face and she looked gorgeous. But then again, gorgeous outside, horrible inside I guess.

Long story short, after this was all done I went to the bookstore in the mall to meet up with some friends and we went to the food court. The same lady was there, and she was mingling with some of her friends I guess. She sat close to me and my friends and started talking about how she had "told off the gay guy in the makeup counter after he made her up." she said she "didn't want to buy anything, so she made a scene." and then she started cackling. I had told my friends about the situation and how I couldn't believe someone was so mean to the MA, and that he's so sweet and they told me "Don't go over there, it's not a good idea!"

Welllllll, after a few more minutes of listening to my friends and this lady talk. I got up and walked over to the table they were sitting at, I looked at the lady and said "So, you're proud of being rude to someone who helped you out and didn't charge you a cent to make you look good on his time?"

She looked at me like she couldn't believe I was doing this. But oh, I don't like it when people are rude to workers, MA or not. I hate it, it's rude, it's trashy and it pisses me off! She knew who I was, she'd seen me there twice. I don't think she knew what to say and she didn't say anything, she just stared at me. And then I just said plainly. "Well, next time, think about what you are doing when you are (in a weird voice) "making a scene", because you look horrible while doing it."

And I walked away. I heard her call me a b*tch and a whore and some other lovely names when she passed me by leaving the food court. I might have been a bit b*tchy, but it really ticks me off when someone does that. Because their life is so great that they can't buy one lipgloss or a eyeshadow as a thank you? Or at least tip?


Okay, rant done.


Well-known member
God I can't imagine someone being that crazy. Why would someone do something like that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
God I can't imagine someone being that crazy. Why would someone do something like that?

I know people do this to get out of buying something. But I mean, why be rude? Why not just walk away?

Sigh, I hate people like that so muuuuch.


Well-known member
Urgh. She sounds awful. I deal with rude people all the time (Work in a shop), yet it still surprises me HOW rude and unthoughtful people can be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
I know people do this to get out of buying something. But I mean, why be rude? Why not just walk away?

Sigh, I hate people like that so muuuuch.

They cannot expect someone to work for free, this is their job, their source of income. They don't want to spend the money then why sign up for a makeover that requires purchase. I hope karma, or something else, bites her in the ass.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, I think this kind of treatment to others is becoming more common place to get things for free, to not wait in line, etc. They are actually proud of their behavior. That's the sickest part of all. But, we all effect one another. So, we all pay for this behavior in form or another. It's totally unacceptable. That was very brave of you to stand up to this woman and tell her that her behavior was atrocious.


Well-known member
Wow you have moxy girl! Well done for sticking up for the MA and putting that stupid cow in her place. Seriously, not many people would have the guts to do that sort of thing. That is something that she is never going to forget either. It's going to linger there in her subconcious for ever lol...



Well-known member
That is so RUDE! Why would she act like that, and not just leave and be nice about it. It bugs me when people lie over stupid stuff and make other peoples job/life harder. Like when people leave their popcorn bucket in the theater and say "it's job security, LOL!" or something.

Hopefully that lady's eyebrows fall out overnight!


Well-known member
That is so RUDE! Why would she act like that, and not just leave and be nice about it. It bugs me when people lie over stupid stuff and make other peoples job/life harder. Like when people leave their popcorn bucket in the theater and say "it's job security, LOL!" or something.

I work at a high school and you would be amazed at how many students throw trash on the floor and tell me that's what we have custodians for. I always reply we have paramedics to help people who are injured, but I don't go around stabbing people to give paramedics a job, or set fires to people's homes to give firemen a job.


Well-known member
The minute I read that she was making a scene, I knew it was because she didn't want to buy anything. I have seen people do that dozens of times. You learn to shrug it's part of the business. Sometimes, you can get a vibe from the person that they really don't want to buy anything. Unfortunately for them, the MA will spend less time and less effort on their makeup.

Here's the thing: the people at the counter will remember the next time she wants an appointment, they will spend maybe 20 minutes on her makeup, if that long. People like her forget that idiots are never forgotten!

good for you for telling her off...she's a jerk.


Active member
Good for you for speaking up! I admire your courage, I hate it when people think they are getting away with bad behavior because no one is brave enough to call them out on it. Bravo to you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
The minute I read that she was making a scene, I knew it was because she didn't want to buy anything. I have seen people do that dozens of times. You learn to shrug it's part of the business. Sometimes, you can get a vibe from the person that they really don't want to buy anything. Unfortunately for them, the MA will spend less time and less effort on their makeup.

Here's the thing: the people at the counter will remember the next time she wants an appointment, they will spend maybe 20 minutes on her makeup, if that long. People like her forget that idiots are never forgotten!

good for you for telling her off...she's a jerk.

totally, as this is what i was about to write... stupid her, because she won't be able to come back to the counter and get good service!

good job! gutsy!


Well-known member
Oh, thank GOD you said something. The whole time I was reading your post I was thinking "Please tell me she told that bitch off". Good for you. People need to be told when they behave like assh-les. It's cool you said it in front of her friends, too....the old bitch deserves to be humiliated. It's terrible what those poor M.A.'s have to deal with....On behalf of all the nice people in the world...THANK YOU!!!!!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think it's ridiculous she thought it was appropriate to destroy (even if it were accidentally) store property and be a huge bitch just because she didn't want to spend money. WTF is wrong with people? If you really didn't want to spend anything, just tell the MA that you're going to see what the makeup looks like in daylight, how it reacts to your skin, and you want to think about it.

And you're being too kind calling her a lady. A lady does not treat kind people like trash


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Oh, thank GOD you said something. The whole time I was reading your post I was thinking "Please tell me she told that bitch off". Good for you. People need to be told when they behave like assh-les. It's cool you said it in front of her friends, too....the old bitch deserves to be humiliated. It's terrible what those poor M.A.'s have to deal with....On behalf of all the nice people in the world...THANK YOU!!!!!!

Lol. When I get mad, I go on a war path, no joke

I just wish she could have been blessed with common sense not to do something like that and just be normal so I wouldn't have had to do that. But I'm asking too much I think from retail society these days. No one wants to do anything anymore, I've seen people leave my store because there was one, ONE person infront of them in line, so they freaked and left.


Yeah, I didn't know whether to call her a lady or a girl cus she looked like she was 23 or so, so older than me = lady. Maybe I should have said woman or orge. Orge sounds good

Yeah, when people treat people like crap for no reason, it just boils in me, I hate it. She'll probably never go to that counter again, and personally, I think they're better off losing her as a customer.

Oh, and I bought extra stuff while I was there for my MA to try and makeup for his loss in time.
I only went in for wipes and I left with 3 Paint Pots, Bulk Wipes, 3D gloss and a 224 Brush.