Makeup to go with these 2 dresses?


New member
Hi all, this is my first post here. Thanks everyone for sharing all your knowledge, I've learned so much!

I have 2 weddings coming up in May, and I'm wearing these two dresses from Boohoo:

Can you suggest makeup to go with them? I've already thought of something but I want to see what you guys come up with

Thanks in advance!


Active member
neutral smokey eye.. Mac satin taupe on the lid, saddle on the crease, folie on the outside crease,and phloof for highlights. black eyeliner with little wing top lid and the bottom lid apply satin taupe. Melba blush and countour your cheekbone.Cherish,Blankety,Hue, or Ysl #1 nude beig l/s.


Well-known member
Because both dresses are black, you can pretty much do what you want and rock colors if you want to go bold. However, a classic neutral/nude eye with winged liner, very dramatic lashes, and a gorgeous red like MAC Ruby Woo would be my choice personally with these dresses.


New member
Thank you all for your very helpful suggestions!. In fact, I was thinking of the red lipstick combination to go with dress number 2, and maybe make a dramatic smokey eye for the first dress with nude lipstick.

One other question: which blush colour would you suggest to go with red lipstick and nude eye? (I am light-skinned)