Making your own gloss


Well-known member
I don't know if this belongs here or in recs. But, I've heard you make make some really pretty glosses by mixing pigment & clear lipgloss together. What's the best way to do this? And how do you know how much pigment to add without over doing it? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
If you're just playing around trying to find nice color combos it's a great idea to squeeze a little bit of gloss into a sample jar and then mix in some pigment until you find a color you like. Once you know which pigments you want to use to create a full sized gloss, just get a clear gloss with a wand applicator and figure out how much pigment it would take to get a similar color effect as in your sample, then funnel it in.
I think Rose pigment and Apricot Pink make great glosses!! Mixing them together is also fun!


Well-known member
I slick some Vaseline over my lips, and dip my finger into the pigment and "buff" it over the Vaseline. I only need to use very little, but that of course will vary for the look you want.

My favourite pigment to use is Rose


Well-known member
I like to make my own tinted lip conditioners. I get some palmers cocoa butter chapstick, break a bit off in a sample jar and add some pigment or lip mixes. Ive got a lovley one that I made with apricot pink and a touch of gold dusk, and another that I made with fuscia lip mix and accent red pigment.

I just add a little, mash it all up to mix it through, test the colour and add a little more if I need to.
I do the same thing to make lipsticks, if Ive got a lippie that just isnt working for me colour wise, I add pigments and lipmixes to make perfect shades for myself.


Well-known member
I just put on the clear gloss first then take some pigment with my lip brush and mix it into the gloss on my lips. My fav. pigments to use as gloss are Rose, Pink Vivid, Kitschmas, Coco Beach, Naked and Pink Bronze!


Well-known member
I bought Squirt lipglass a while back, but it turned out too green on me. Rather than return it, I decided to add Melon pigment by pouring a bit of the pigment into and small jar and dipping the wand back and forth from the sample into gloss and mixing it. At first it was uneven, but eventually the pigment reached the whole gloss on its own and turned into tarnished gold colour.