Man....I am heated.


Well-known member
I placed an order with SpaLook and it was supposed to be delivered via FedEx on yesterday. I was off from work and didn't leave the house until 2:45pm. No package. No big deal; the site said "by 7pm". So about 6:30pm, I decided to check online because I hadn't heard a doorbell.

Online status read:

Sep 6, 2007 2:40 PM


New Orleans, LA

Left at front door. Package delivered to recipient address - release authorized

OK. So, I'm looking outside. No package. Walking a couple houses down. No package. I call FedEx and they tell me they would have to check with the driver and would call me today. I called them today and OFCOURSE the driver is saying he left the package on my doorstep. So, they basically tell me to take it up with the shipper, like they've never made a mistake with a package.

I called SpaLook and the lady I spoke to was totally rude. She asked me for the order #, which I didn't immediately have (my bad) then my last name, which I remarkably did have. She looks up the order, places me on hold, goes to, tracks the package, comes back and says, "Well, it says it was delivered to your doorstep....I'll have to call them and give you a call back. If I don't speak to someone today, I'll call you on Tuesday."

Me: "So, basically, I'm in limbo until then?"

Her: "Well, it wouldn't be very smart of us to send another package if they said you got the first one."

I just can't even believe this, especially after DHL lost a package of mine (for the 2nd time) earlier last month. And you call them out on mistakes and it's like, "Oh well.....".

Sorry, I just had to rant.


Well-known member
I feel your pain, I had a like experience a few months ago. I hate how everyone treats you like it's somehow your fault. UG. In my opinion they shouldnt leave it on doorsteps, especially in apartments (which I live in). Now I ALWAYS put on the order to require a signature for delievery.

I'm sorry you are in limbo on your purchase, it totally stinks. =(


Well-known member
i'm freakin heated for you!!! if i was in your position, and i HAVE been, i would:

1. call customer service again, make a complaint to a supervisor or manager about how RUDE that customer service representative was. it wouldn't be very smart? how about this lady, it's not my damn job to memorize the order number for the order that was supposed to be completed already. furthermore, she has no right to talk to you like that. it isn't your fault and you should not have to absorb the cost, in waiting time or in any other capacity, of the shippers and/or the companies mistake.
2. insist they send you another package immediately. this is outrageous. tell them to send it signature required, like they should have sent it in the goddamn first place, since they're working with fed ex. good luck with those jerks, don't let them push you around.


Well-known member
Thanks. I feel so much better. I got off the phone with them before I started this thread and although I can understand both ends of the spectrum, I felt played.

But, I just chatted with an online agent. She is resending a package on Monday, signature required. I didn't want to seem like a bitch, but shouldn't this have been offered from the beginning? I understand protecting your company's assets is priority #1 for many of these places, but when I place an order with you, I also become one of those assets. Damn.


Well-known member
I always do signature required, even if that means I have to go pick it up personally at the shipping place because of missed deliveries.

I can understand the companies point though, FedEX says it was delivered. So by their reasoning, you got the package (even if that means someone stole your package off your doorsetp). So why should they give you a 2nd?

Nice to know they are going to send another though.


Well-known member
You need to take it up with FedEx, they shouldn't have just left it on your doorstep.


Well-known member
It's common practice. UPS does it, too. My new Treo 755p was left on the doorstep on the 30th---in the rain. That was a $579 phone and we have a covered porch in a great neighborhood, but still. The only things I've signed for in the past 2 years were eluxury purchases. Granted, I've never had a problem until now. If I have to sign, I'd wait and sign, but I wasn't given that option on SpaLook's end. I'm also pissed that the package was supposedly left here, but I didn't hear the doorbell ring or anything

Whomever made the remark about the apartment situation......yeah. When I was in TX., they left packages in the office if you weren't home. The only time you could count on getting them from the office was when the rent was due. Otherwise, it was see you when we see you. I know co-workers who didn't get their offer letter to return to work because of that setup.


Well-known member
dhl is the devil.

i agree with julia though, you should take it up with fedex because they shouldn't have left the package on your doorstep knowing there wasn't anyone there to immediately retrieve it.


Well-known member
That's my whole beef. I don't think they ever left it on "my" doorstep. That was what I told the rep I talked to. But, they insisted that the driver remembered bringing to that particular doorstep. Whatever.


Well-known member
I have had things like this happen way too many times. My favorite is when I see the delivery truck drive by (not stop), and I was waiting for a package from them. I would then check online later, and see "attempted delivery." My ass, I was outside watching you!

FedEx is notoriously bad here. Before I started complaining, they would only send packages to my town through a third party (it would go to the nearest hub, and be sent through someone else), and the third party would only ship out here 2 days a week, and the days were never consistent. They told me is was because "the roads are too narrow." My reply "UPS sends their trucks here everyday with no problems." They have since sent trucks, but the drivers are really lazy, and will not come everyday (it's happening as I type. Expecting a package, with a failed attempt, suppose to redeliver today, and nothing ;P).


Well-known member
I'm amazed that the guy can remember each delivery, for one. But, maybe they don't do as many as I think
. It's also amazing that the agent talked to me like they don't make mistakes.
I'm so sorry! I know that's frustrating!

In early March my car was totaled in a three-car accident. The insurance company (based in Eastern Washington) agreed to send me (in Western Washington) a check for the cost of the vehicle. The check never came because UPS lost it, so the insurance company issued another check. As I'd purchased a new vehicle on a 3 year note right after they sent the first check I was getting pretty anxious (I really didn't want my car payments to rocket from $200 to $800 a month because I couldn't get them the down payment I'd promised!) and I asked the insurance company to send the check UPS Red (overnight). They sent it to California. It spend three days in California and got flown to Seattle to enjoy two fun-filled days in the vicinity of the Space Needle. Then it stopped going anywhere! Every time I called UPS they told me they weren't really sure where my check was. They said that just because the website SAYS it was scanned in Seattle doesn't mean it was ACTUALLY scanned. WTH?? They were total jerks - almost hateful - they told me there was nothing they could do but flag it n the system and hope that it will show up somewhere. It was appalling!

HERE'S THE KEY: I ended up mentioning my problem to the shipping manager where I work and she told me UPS is horrible to all of their customers...except the ones with major shipping accounts. She gave me the direct phone number for *preferred* customers (gag). These people answered immediately, were apologetic, sweet, and very helpful - they even called up a few drivers on their radios to see if they could locate my package!! My package arrived the very next morning at 8 AM.

FedEx works the same way. If you know anybody who might have access to a corporate shipping account number and be willing to share it with you, it's absolutely the best way to go.

Good luck!!


Well-known member
**UPDATE**While I was at work today, the neighbor from across the street found the package in his hedges as he was mowing the lawn and brought it over to my mom. So yeah, as I suspected, FedEx did in fact deliver it to the wrong address. I had to email SpaLook, for they're supposed to mail another package on Monday.


Well-known member
Don't you love it when it's the wrong address? At least it showed up, but what if there had been damage? (like it rained, or the guy didn't notice it, and ran it over)

Glad it was found, though ^_^.


Well-known member
I just serioulsy LOL'd @ the fact your package was found in your neighbor's HEDGES.

Call FedEx Customer Service and then write a letter to the President detailing the entire snafu and send it registered mail. It takes a while to do and get a response but I feel like its the only way to make anyone at a big company like FedEx to take notice of things like this.

Glad they found your package though. Sorry you had to deal with such idiots!


Well-known member
DHL is horrible...........Super. I've had so many problems with them it's ridiculous.

The retailer should definitely assist you. I work for an online retailer and if a customer calls and states that they didn't receive their package, we send a questions asked.

I've found that a lot of times, the stupid driver does not even come by OR they freaking take it to the wrong house.

Blow some smoke of the retailer's butt. Tell them that you want to speak with the CEO or threaten to go to Better Business Bureau. That'll get them moving in the right direction to assist you!


Well-known member
Oh, I'm going to ride this with both parties until the wheels fall off, especially since NO ONE at FedEx even offered a damn apology, siding with their blind ass or illiterate driver the whole time. I'm still wondering how you ask a driver if he's sure of the house he went to. Does the mgr. get in the truck with them and say, "Now, you're sure it was that one, right?" Give me a break.

The CSR at SpaLook's chat was very apologetic, but I honestly don't even remember the first girl's name. And, I totally understand their position, but for God's sake, look at the history of the customer when in doubt.

I would've felt better if either one of them had told me to look in the hedges and call back, instead blowing me off.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥

I would've felt better if either one of them had told me to look in the hedges and call back, instead blowing me off.

HAHAHAHAHA. You're awesome.