mane and tail.


Well-known member
does anyone know about this stuff? i've been told by numerous people that if i want my hair to grow quicker and thicker, this is the stuff to use. both of my parents have pretty thin, slow growing hair, but my sister has extremely thick, fast growing hair and she used to use mane and tail for the longest time. i'm wondering if that's why her hair varies so much...because i'm guessing by looking at genetics, it has to be something the products she used.


Well-known member
I don't know if the shampoo you use can really effect hair growth but other things can like eating habits, blood circulation, ect.


Well-known member
I agree...they made a big deal out of this shampoo when it forst came out. I tried it and it dried out my hair...


Well-known member
it kinda made my hair alot thicker and kinda grew a little faster i liked it but after a while i had to stop using it bc it stoped working


Well-known member
I tried this because of all the raves it used to get and I thought it was horrible. It dried my hair out ALOT. I was going through a stage where all I wanted was long thick hair and I would try every long,strong,thick treatment/conditioner out there and none worked for that. Some made your hair feel thicker or feel healthier (which helps it look thicker/better) but none actually made my hair grow faster or made me grow more hair from my scalp. I agree w. the vitamins though they def. made my nails grow thicker and faster, it was harder to tell if the vitamins made my hair grow faster because you can't watch it as closely as your nails. But since nails and hair are basically the same thing I assume the vitamins helped my hair. But back to the Mane n Tail I really disliked what it did to my hair all the way around.

And for your sister, I have a sister w. beautiful long long dark shiny thick straight Dk Dk brown hair she could use dishsoap and let it hang dry and it would come out shiny and bouncy and beautiful... and.... I have curly curly blond hair that has a very coarse texture , it costs me a fortune and takes countless amount of time,products and treatments and lots of blowdrying,flatirons,and other tools just for it to be decent hair ...her coloring and hair is like my parents and although I look like my dad I'm not the same hair or anything. It's just like that sometimes ..even if its unfair lol

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I used to work with a girl who was a hairdresser. we both cut our hair short around the same time and then decided to grow it out. I asked her about the main and tale stuff and this was her reply:

yes, the stuff works, but only use the conditioner a few times a weeks and only rub a little of it into your scalp (allover), but not your whole hair shaft. understand?

needless to say, i never got around to trying it...but she said it does work.


Well-known member
i used to use this stuff alot years ago , and now that i think of it, my hair was alot thicker then than it is now ... i thought they were really good , but i hated the smell, so i switched .


Well-known member
Ive used it once and only once. not only did it smell bad i couldnt brush through my hair and it made my hair to dry also


Well-known member
that stuff seriously dried out my hair. i used it when i was like 10 years old and wanted to have long, gorgeous hair. i already had super-thick long hair, but i thought that if i used the shampoo and conditioner, i would end up with the model's hair, which is what i wanted. instead i ended up with a big ball of dried-out frizz on top of my head.