Marilyn hair style


Well-known member
my hair is now about the same length as Marilyn Monroe's hair was in her platinum blonde years. my hair's dark brown with black streaks right now, but i'm planning to go blonde as soon as i have some money. since i've recently gotten Rockocco l/s and Pure Vanity l/g i think i'm gonna start working the 50s makeup more often, and when i do i think it would be fun to style my hair like Marilyn
does anyone know how to do that, or have ANY tips/ideas on styling hair that trademark Marilyn way? TIA


Well-known member
basically you need a large barrel curler and alot of hair spray or just something to hold the curls together lightly

her hair actually wasnt that short its just she usually had it curled so that made it appear to be sholder length so take that into consideration also if you have really short layers it might be a bit harder to do.

But usually its easier if you have someone else do it for you beacuse getting the back perfectly curled is going to be hard to do by yourself if your just starting out.



Well-known member
yeah, i have pictures of her with her hair not put up, so i'm aware of the length and mine's finally there. and i have a large barrel curler so i think i'm set
thanks ladies!


Well-known member
What year of Marilyn are you going for? Her ultimate platinum years were during Something's Got to Give and was definitely 60s - her hair was very short and very white.

My friend's going as Lorelei Lee from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes this Halloween and for a photoshoot for herself. I had her buy a shoulder length wig for me to cut and style and possibly ventilate for her. I'll mostly be trying pincurls in the front and possibly medium and larger sized rollers around.

If you see pictures of Christina Aquilara in curlers right now, that'll be helpful for you in the curler direction! I also recommend watching the Fashion Idol episode from Project Runway if you can.