Mark Foley


Well-known member
Unless you have lived under a rock-you probably know what happened.

If not here's a run down: He had "innappropriete" conversations with pages in a sexually explicit manner.

I have to say I am outraged. Why?

1) Because top republicans said they had no clue this was going on. Same with democrats.

All I can think of when I hear this is my dad's best friend yelling out like a big boat horn in a bull horn - BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHHHHH*****T

I mean come on both sides of the aisle had to know about this. To say that nobody knew this was going on is a LIE. Clear and simple. SOMONE had to know.

2) What in the hell is a what 60 year old man doing IMing and being so friendly with 16 year olds? It's not professional. He's a congressman he's supposed to be professional. He is not a 16 year old boy anymore.

3) The media make me sick. Why didn't the newspapers run this artical down in FL? They had prior knowledge something was going on. They weren't sure what. Guess what they said? They didn't want to run it in fear of a backlash of the gay community. Well Boohoo if you have some pedophile in Washington run the story.

I can guarentee that if the papers found out it was a 16 year old girl it would be plastered over the pages/AP/NEWS within seconds but they hesitated because it was the gay community.


4) His newest excuse. He is claiming that all of this is because he's an alcoholic. Lord have mercy. What is this the new trend? You do something bad so you check yourself into rehab. *rolls eyes*

Granted he may be an alcoholic. Good he's getting help.

It still does not excuse this sick and pathetic behavior of molesting 16 year old boys.

But then he decided that excuse wasn't enough. Now he's blaming a preist of doing it when he was younger.

Still not flying. Why? Because he's what 60ish? He's in congress? He should be well adept into the laws. He couldn't POSSIBLY think that NOBODY would ever tell anything.

Everything is EVERYONE or EVERYTHING elses fault but his own.

I am so glad he stepped down.


Well-known member
This is so un-pc, but honestly I'd be more concerned if this story were about an 8 year old boy instead of a 16 year old boy. I dunno, I just haven't gotten terribly worked up over it for some reason.

I think maybe I just can't separate it from all of the hypocrisy. I *know* that there are Republicans and Dems in DC that have DONE much worse with 16 year olds, so all the outrage and indignation from them just turns me off, you know?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
This is so un-pc, but honestly I'd be more concerned if this story were about an 8 year old boy instead of a 16 year old boy. I dunno, I just haven't gotten terribly worked up over it for some reason.

I can see it, to an extent, but the behavior is still reprehensible and inappropriate. They're still minors . The way it's being handled is equally disgusting. The blame game is ridiculous. I'd somewhat respect him if he said that he's guilty, he feels bad and sorry about his actions, and he's seeking help.


Well-known member
America is full of pedophiles, this surprises you that they are in govt positions as well?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I can see it, to an extent, but the behavior is still reprehensible and inappropriate. They're still minors . The way it's being handled is equally disgusting. The blame game is ridiculous. I'd somewhat respect him if he said that he's guilty, he feels bad and sorry about his actions, and he's seeking help.

I do agree, his behavior was definitely inappropriate. And while they are still minors, in some states they can consent to have sexual relations. I know we aren't talking about sexual relations here, so its somewhat irrelevant, but to my mind if the age of consent is 16 (let's use that as a random number) then I can't get too worked over the fact that some dirty old man sent a 16 year old some nasty IMs. Even more telling is that the 16 year old at no time closed the IM box. I have a really hard time finding a 16 year a victim in this situation. Now, if the 16 year old had been forcibly assaulted or pressured into a sexual relationship, I'd assuredly feel different. I guess the thought I have in my mind is that I remember just what being 16 was like and I know that I certainly controlled the level of contact I had with adults online, KWIM?

I also completely agree with you about the blame game. No one can ever take responsibility for their actions. It's become an epidemic of American society. Send inappropriate emails to a teen? Blame someone else. Slaughter five (six) Amish girls? Blame someone else. Loot your company's pension plan? Blame someone else. How can you teach children to be responsible when adults aren't?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I understand what you mean, but remembering myself at 16, I some pretty weird ideas about life, that to this day I don't know where I got them. I was sort of immature and unaware of that (I overestimated maturity.) I guess I could see this kind of thing escalating off-line.

I don't think the problem is the example other adults are setting but that the people who are committing these crimes had parents who enabled them to victimize themselves and taught them that behavior through example. I knew people (kids and adults) as a child who were totally about blaming other people. I rolled my eyes at that, because my mother taught me that I am accountable for my actions.